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Who needs a slushie maker anyway?

We were doing a spot of birthday shopping today when we went in to a certain non female type person titled shop (crafty avoiding right 😉 ). Anyhoo, we were looking round when we saw a slushie maker. Now slushies have never been my thing, I have sensitive teeth, I don’t like cordial and I’m not a fan of drinks with thickness, but Nat really likes them so had a bit of a perv at the machine. Nearly £40s worth of machine!

So, out comes my phone, as usual when shopping, for a bit of research; it’s the future! One quick Google and up comes lots of recipes to make slushies…without the machine – Whoop!

Home we come and I have a little read of some recipes. No flavouring, damn, no problem..I have cordial, that’s the same thing?! So I start about making my very first slushie!

Ingredients: 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Cordial 2 cups of Water

Step 1. Add sugar and cordial to the bowl. Add 2 cups of water, decide the bowl isn’t big enough for another cup so stick with 2.

Step 2. Mix ingredients together in a bowl until the sugar is completely dissolved. This took a little while but was strangely therapeutic. Cover in cling film and place in the freezer.

Top Tip Make sure that there is actual space in the freezer. If there isn’t don’t try and balance the bowl in one hand while trying to rearrange the entire heavily packed freezer with the other. This may not end well.

Step 3. Leave in the freezer for half hour. Realise you have to set off on the school run and won’t be home for an hour. Take back out of the freezer.

Step 3.5. Go on the school run. Make conversations with children, receive grunts. Fuel up before the car runs entirely out of fuel – Well done on the adulting win!

Step 4. Once home place bowl back in to the freezer (yes the freezer, no not the fridge, yes I am certain, no I am not making jelly) and leave for half an hour. Set an alarm to remind you.

Step 5. Ignore alarm and eventually get up ten minutes later. Take bowl out of the freezer (to stir the partially frozen mixture) to find that it is not even a little bit frozen, it has however more than a little bit leaked… Marvellous, chuffing marvellous.

Step 6. Decide to sensibly rearrange the freezer so the bowl can sit on a shelf. Set alarm for 45 minutes.

Step 7. Alarm goes off in time for tea. Check the freezer, give it a bit of a swirl, the bowl, not the freezer, obviously, and feel that is enough effort until after tea.

Tea time! Eat tea and find out that Nat has spilled the ‘jelly mixture all over’ while getting tea out, eugh….

Step 8. Get bowl out of the freezer and stare in amazement that actually freezing is happening and it’s starting to look slushie like! Woah!

Step 9: Screech in amazement so that all the family come running and can therefore check out your amazement!

Step 10: Back in to the freezer you go you clever little mixture. Set alarm for 45 mintues.

Step 11: Run, hop, skip and jump to the freezer and get that sexy little beast out. Oh my giddy goodness little Chumlins, it looks like slushie mixture!!

Step 12: Give it a stiry scrape with a Cheshire cat grin on your face.

Step 13: Get some sexy looking glasses out and have yourself a little photoshoot, this would make a marvellous blog!

Look at that beauty!

Step 14: Take the glasses in to your wonderous family who shower you and your slushie with compliments such as;

"Wow, this is better than a real slushie!"

"This is surprisingly tasty!"

"There's a party in my mouth"

"Next time, can we add vodka"

"You are a genius of immense proportions and you should be crowned queen of all" (Erm, yes....This wasn't me, honestly...)

Well, that was a fun little adventure wasn't it?! I wonder what flavour will create itself next?!



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