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I know, I know, I do like to use a few random words or make some up. But, I have decided to be the nicest person ever and attempt at this little glossary. Well, I'll give it a go if you will

  • Oh heck - oh dear


  • Hecky Peck - Oh heck really, but my Grandma used to say Oh hecky peck and it's all cute and quaint. 


  • Holy Maloly - Woah, what on earth? Or, fucking hell.


  • Shit a brick - Oh bloody hell!


  • Fuck a Duck - Euw, not literally, It's kinda like 'oh heck' or bloody hell


  • I shit you not - I'm not even kidding​

He he, my spell checker is going potty right now!

  • Bimbling - you know, like a slow little wander and look round


  • Chromie - She is my chrome book and my blog enabler. I write on her, not literally, like with a pen, obviously


  • Chumlins - You know that's one of my people right? Seriously, have I taught you nothing? You should probably leave. The Shame! 


  • Nat - My girlfriend, Fiancee, love of my life. I like her, a lot.


  • Famalam / famalamadingdong - the family.


  • Mind Palace - the world inside my brain


  • TPFN - Toodle pip for now...goodbye for now



Yeah, they may be quite similar, but a lot of heck is needed in this world.

What you have to thank for all of this

I bloody love them!

Fucking hell! How attractive! TBF, I am currently tied up about to be eaten by a Pandasaurus!

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