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The Life Changing Coffee Recipe (Spoiler, it's cinnamon latte)

Hello Chumlins! Have I got a treat for you!

Remember the days when a certain big red coffee shop used to sell cinnamon lattes?

Remember the exact moment when you went in, all giddy to drink down that yummy cinnamon goodness when you were greeted with;

“Sorry, we don’t do that anymore. But we do offer *Insert rubbishly inferior flavour here*"

Do you remember that sinking feeling, the way it felt, like they had ripped your heart out from your chest and stomped all over it, immediately ruining your day? Yeah, me too. Bastards.

Well fear not little chums for I am here to save you, to make your life instantly better. For I, Kyra Marie, have stumbled upon, and then perfected the way to make…wait for it…

The Ultimate, better than the red shop, Cinnamon Latte! (Whoop, wooo, insert fan fare here)

And, even better news, I am going to share it with you! Generous right?!

Now, I don’t know the level of…well, lets just say I’m going to make it super, duper easy for you, just in case, you know… (Well, I don’t know your intelligence do I, never assume people, never assume!)

What you will need:

milk, sugar, brown sugar, coffee, costa coffee, cinnamon latte, recipe, drink recipe, diy latte
These items are about to change your life

Mug Milk Frother (These can be bought fairly cheaply, and will save you so much money in the long run when you realise how good the coffee tastes!) Tea Spoon Kettle (Or similar water heating device)


Milk Cinnamon Powder Coffee Sugar Water

Step 1: Put the water in the kettle and put to boil. Don’t use too much water, not only does it take way longer to boil an over filled kettle, and we want this latte quickly right?! But it also uses more electricity and isn’t good for the environment. Think people, think.

Step 2: Pour milk to just below a quarter in to your mug and add a good shake of cinnamon powder.

cinnamon, milk, coffee, cinnamon latte, cinnamon coffee
Isn't cinnamon a pretty colour?!

Step 3: Now this is the fun bit. Use your milk frother. Pop it in to the milk and turn it on. Have a bit of fun with it, stir it about, go high and go low, make some patterns.

Side Note: Make sure you put the frother in the milk before turning it on otherwise you will choke on a cinnamon cloud explosion.

Step 4: Be careful not to get too carried away with the milk frothing, it is surprisingly fun and therapeutic and can quickly turn in to milk froth overload.

Step 4: Add a good spoon of coffee and two spoons of sugar. I recommend light soft brown, demerara or similar brown sugar for extra yum, but white works fine. Mix these well in to the milk froth.

frothy milk, frothy coffee, costa coffee, cup of coffee
Beautiful stirring and blending and mixing of colours, well done!

Step 5: Now this is where you need to have a tiny bit of patience. Slowly add the boiled water to the mug, sticking to one side so as not to disturb all the lovely frothy goodness. When the froth reaches the top of the mug you need to let it sit for a minute. At this point you have about two mouthfuls of hot water somewhere near the bottom of your mug. Not exactly going to hit the spot is it?

frothy coffee, latte, costa coffee, cinnamon latte
Slowly slowly top it up

Step 6: Once the froth has had a minute to calm down a little and there is more space in the top of your mug, repeat the boiled water adding process.

Step 7: Repeat Steps 5 & 6 until you have the desired level of hot coffee. You can test this by touching the side of the mug, or sticking your pinkie in. Warning, this last option does mean you have to pretaste the frothy goodness as you lick it off your finger.

Step 8: Take your mug, find a comfy spot, sit and enjoy the hot, yummy, frothy cinnamon goodness.

latte, costa coffee, cinnamon latte, frothy milk, recipe, hot drink
Behold it in all it's glory

Step 9: Think about what a lovely treat that was and how you are so thankful you found this blog. Comment, like, and share with friends.

Small Warning; When people realise your new epic coffee making skills, you will be the Chief coffee maker from now on.

And there you have it. You are so very welcome! Now, I think I may have to go and make myself one…

Cinnamon Latte, Coffee, tasty drink
Yum Yum, just what the doc ordered!

TPFN – Toodle pip for now

Kyra x

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