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Ultimate Chocolately No Bake Biscuit Cake

Good morning little Chumlins, have I got a treat for you!

You've read my blog 'Holy Crap, 7 hours and I'm broken'? Of course you have, well done, give yourself a gold star!

Well, today I am going to give you the recipe for the amazement we baked.

Oo, we need a name though...hmm....How about

Ultimate Chocolately No Bake Biscuit Cake

Tempted to put 'thing' on the end of it, but i'll resist. Recipes are serious stuff you know.

Anyhoo, are you ready for our next adventure together? Lets go!

What you will need:

Mixing bowl

Melting bowl

Wooden spoon


Deep dish/baking tray - something to set the mixture in

Tin foil, or baking parchment if you are uber posh and organised, show off

Fridge Microwave, or I guess hob if you are fancy and have working gas turned on

Hand Gel


10 Digestive Biscuits

2 tbsp Caster Sugar

1 tsp Cocoa Powder

100g Butter

3 KitKats - or other similar yummy chocolate treats

A chocolate reindeer (OK, this probably isn't 100% necessary)

2 Chocolate Oranges (don't worry, it leaves spare for secret nibbles later)

1 large bar Galaxy Caramel

Step 1: Decide that today you are going to be a proper mum type and bake with the small people.

Step 2: Realise that when Mr Gas Man comes to fit a new boiler he will obviously turn off the gas, and water and wonder what on earth you are going to do with baking excited children.

Step 3: Come up with a genius idea to make a no bake recipe and give yourself a little pat on the back at your genius.

Step 4: Send children to the corner shop to buy supplies while you figure out a recipe and get Hey Google to play some good music.

Side note: So I guess I will let you in on a little secret, steps 1-4 aren't overly necessary and won't affect the overall yummyness of the end recipe if they aren't completed

Step 5: Get all the ingredients out on the dining table, or kitchen side, whatever tickles your fancy, and feel the uber organised feelings start, you got this!

Step 6: Realise you cannot wash hands without water!

Step 7: Hand Gel. Genius. Even do a little hand gel using class with chats about why it is important to wash hands and what hand gel does. Oh my, you are smashing this parenting thing you amazing specimen you.

Step 7.5: Well, I guess this isn't really a step, more a side note, hmm. Anyhoo, at this point I gave out jobs, but I understand that not everyone has a small army at home so I will break it down in to steps instead.

Step 8: Put your 10 digestives in a bowl and get smashing, bashing, crunching and smushing. You want it to be mainly crumby goodness but with pieces of varying sizes thrown in for good measure and extra awesomeness, trust me.

Step 9: Cut up 50g of butter and put it in a microwave safe bowl with 2 tablespoons of caster sugar and smush together with the back of a spoon.

Side note, at this point, while reading it to Nat she interrupts, rude, and asks how long it goes in the microwave. Don't worry, I know you are far more patient than she little Chumlins

Step 10: Add 1 tea spoon of cocoa powder and mix.

Step 11: Break up some chocolate orange, we used about a third, but I trust you to decide on how chocolaty you want it, don't prove me wrong, and add to the bowl.

Step 12: Realise you are now going to microwave all this so possibly didn't need to cream and smush, but it's all good Chumlins, it's all good.

Step 13: Microwave. 10 second intervals, with stirring. Keeps them entertained...

Step 13.5: Realise there is not enough butter and add another 50g. Hey, I never said it was a healthy recipe, just yummy!

Step 14: Kill the reindeer! Apparently this bit is fun, I feel sorry for the reindeer, but anyway, break that bad boy up in to small pieces.

breaking chocolate up for biscuit cake recipe
Poor reindeer, sucks to be you buddy

Step 15: Take 3 KitKats, we used the cookies and cream ones? No idea where they came from but they seem nice enough fellows. Smash and bash! But not too much, don't get carried away here, you want some nice sized pieces, like the digestives.

Step 16: Create a sort of chocolate and biscuit graveyard by adding the broken reindeer and KitKats to the digestive bowl and mix well.

Step 17: Combine! Pour with quite a bit of chocolaty melty satisfaction the melted mixture to the biscuit graveyard and mix it all together. If you have multiple people helping, let them all have a go. Make sure you have the final turn so you can actually combine it all together rather than somehow fail to combine any and just move it all around the bowl.

Step 18: Pour it in to your chosen setting device, don't forget to add the tin foil or posh baking people paper first to avoid stickage!

Step 19: Once again, everyone gets a turn spreading the mixture out and pushing it down. Once again, take the final turn. You need to make sure it is pushed down and compressed together.

Step 20: Now comes the hard part... Put it in the fridge to set for an hour. Sounds easy? Hmm, now you have to entertain the small people while they constantly ask if it is time to eat it yet...

Side note, as per my blog post, I would recommend some word play silly fun games, maybe not the ham with legs...

Step 21: Realise you didn't get enough supplies and send small people to the corner shop again while you secretly check your mixture, which is looking amazeballs by the way.

galaxy caramel and chocolate orange. Ingredients for chocolate biscuit recipe, no bake
Mmm, yummy chocolate!

Step 21.5: Hand Gel again!

Step 22: Break up the large bar of galaxy caramel and the rest of the chocolate orange, plus a bit extra for good measure. Put a few of the bits to one side.

Step 23: Melt the none put to one side bits. I actually wouldn't recommend what happened here actually... leave one child to melt, slowly, in the microwave..they don't have the patience, think they know best and burn all the bloody chocolate... Marvellous!! Repeat steps 21 and 22.

Step 24: Pour the now actually melted mixture over the biscuit base and spread evenly.

Step 25: Sprinkle and place the put to one side bits over the top of the chocolate. Secretly rearrange them so they are not all in one place thus avoiding the argument later of whos bit is the bit with all the chocolate. See, I got you *wink*.

Step 26: Back in to the fridge! and board game time.

Step 27: Once all is hunky dorey in the setting department, cut up and just bask in the glory of how amazing it looks.

Step 28: Bring a small plate in and pop it on the table. Take a break from the game and sit and enjoy together while small people argue over who did what.

biscuit cake recipe, with chocolate and the family enjoying it
Aww, what a lovely, not at all staged, photo

Step 29: Sneak away and have an extra little peace in yummy silence before they notice. Mmmm, this is goood!!

Step 30: Realise you definitely didn't make enough and plot when to make it again...minus small people. *Insert wickedly evil baddie laugh*

chocolate biscuit cake bars
Oh hell yes! Amazing photo for an amazing recipe

There you go, don't say I don't give you anything! Would honestly love to hear from people who actually make this, send pictures!

And remember, I never said it was healthy, just that it is so bloody tasty!



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2 коментари

Kyra Marie
Kyra Marie
21.03.2020 г.

It's super yummy and you don't need loads of it either! Another great thing, no flour! As I can't seem to buy any at the moment. Enjoy! TPFN x


21.03.2020 г.

That looks yummy, and something I could make with my daughter. I’ll look to do it sometime next week

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