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Saving the world, one omelette at a time

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

Something shocking has come to my attention little chumlins. Some people in the world do not know how to make omelettes, is this really a thing? Oh hecky peck.

Well fear not, for I am about to save the world once again with this simple recipe.

Shall we begin?

What you will need;

Bowl/glass jug


Frying pan


Chopping board







Fillings (I have used cheese, ham, leek and mushrooms but you can use anything that tickles your fancy)

Step 1. Let's get organised shall we and get everything out that we need. Omelette making is serious business.

omelette ingredients

Step 2. Crack eggs in to a bowl. I have used 3 for a decent sized omelette.

Top Tip! If you get shell in the eggy mixture, use a bigger piece of shell to scoop it out. Don't worry, you can thank me later.

Step 3. Add a sploosh of milk and a double scratch of salt and pepper. (These are very technical terms, obviously, meaning...well, splash some milk in and add some salt and pepper). Add a little cheese if you are having cheese, which I'm sure you are as, well, cheese!!

Step 4. Whisk these together. You can use a whisk if you are feeling posh but a fork is absolutely fine.

omelette in the making, eegs and milk
Your beautiful eggy mixture

Step 5. Cut up and prepare your fillings. For us we grated cheese and chopped up ham, mushrooms and leeks. You can add whichever fillings your heart desires as well as as much or as little, I promise not to judge your filling choices. If you are lucky enough to have little glamorous assistants then teach them how to use a grater properly so you don't get cheese, literally, everywhere.

Step 6. Add a little oil to your frying pan and heat. A hot pan is the best place to put our eggy omelette mixture, it feels happy there and a happy mixture is a yummy omelette.

Step 7. Add mixture to the hot frying pan.

Step 8. Once the mixture has started to set a little on the edges but is still uncooked in the middle feel free to add a bit of your fillings. That way they will be cooked within the omelette and give it a little extra depth and personality.

cooking the omelette
Look at those cute little omelette edges cooking

Step 9. Leave the omelette until it has mostly cooked and then add the remaining of your fillings to half only. Make sure it is the half away from your flipping side, this will make flipping life so much easier.

Step 10. Flip and fold your omelette! Now, don't flip it over, we aren't making pancakes here. Take the spatula and place it under the omelette and carefully folder one half on top of the other.

fillings in the omelette as it cooks
Don't get carried away here, only put fillings on half the omelette

Step 11. Leave to cook for a minute and remove from the pan on to the plate I know you have waiting because you are organised little peeps and listened to my step 1.

Step 12. Sit and enjoy and feel like an accomplished real life adult!

omelette with ham, cheese, mushrooms and leeks
The finished filled omelette beauty

Congratulations, you are now able to make a tasty, yummy, filling, cheap and simple recipe that everyone should know in order to survive. I have pretty much just saved your life, you are very welcome.

Now go, spread the word and save the world!

TPFN - Toodle Pip For Now,

Kyra x

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