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Whatever you do, don't tell the kids!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Want me to let you in on a little secret....? Of course you do!

Right now it is Friday, 10pm, I am 32 years old, and I am in bed, and have been here since 9.45 AND I am not ashamed.

I got in from a meeting at 9.30pm, went for a wee, nothing like the loo in your own home if you ask me, and realised something. Silence. Absolute, blissful silence. I have 5 kids at home, trust me, this is a small, if not massive miracle. An idea entered my mind and took over....if they don't know you're home....ooooo!!

So, I grabbed Chromie, considered grabbing chocolate but actually behaved myself, snook upstairs, got changed, climbed in to bed, and here we are!

Is this bad mumdom stuff here? The younger ones are asleep, the older ones are happily in their bedroom worlds.....Naah! I technically shouldn't be here, I could have gone out, so....ya know...I just decided to go out, to home, to bed, to write.

I tried writing Monday night, I had a whole plan, and inspiration and everything, then I got teenagered, it wasn't a bad evening, it was quite random and enjoyable. What it was not, was a writing evening, so really, if you think about it, I am doing this for you my little Chumlins. You are welcome.

Ahh, isn't it funny how our priorities, our idea of bliss change when we get older.

Ouch! Just quietened a sneeze so not to be found, now the top of my mouth is all tickly and weird, ouch!

Well, anyway, I hope you are all having a blooming marvellous Friday evening, or Tuesday afternoon, or Thursday morning, because, ya know, this is a can read it anytime? No? Ah, forget it...


Kyra x

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