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World Book Day; A success story

It was World Book Day today, did you know that? I did, I found out a whole yesterday ago. I guess at this point you are thinking;

"Aha, this is a repeating pattern I see here with my very eyes"

And you would be right, but also, wrong.

Side note; ooo, plot twist!

Bit of backstory; 'The Update' which used to be the lovely paper newsletter from school with all the parenty things I had to remember on is now in electronic form, via an app. As you may well know, or quite possibly not, my brain does not seem to be a fan of apps with letters and things so I may have, quite possibly, definitely missed the newsletter explaining World Book Day. Damn. Fear not though my little Chumlins for this is a tale of triumph! The school pickup was much like last year.... "Picking Boo up from school, it was lovely, he was all skippy and chatting and happy and I felt like a proper mum type.
Then horror struck;
"It's World Book Day tomorrow" he chirped excitedly.

Only less skipping, and, believe it or not, less horror swearing, for Boo, yes Boo was a prepared little cherub. He knew what he wanted to go as AND... drum roll here... ... ... ... he knew what he had at home to make it!! The only thing he wanted from me? For me to make sure it is definitely a book as well as a program. Well Booyah and thank the sweet baby book God. And do you know what? I actually had a positive little WBD experience. I helped him get his costume together, we made a headband together and I even got up early this morning to help him get all snazzy and whatnot Bit of a difference to last year's;

"Here are some very real facts of World Book Day;
Whether you know or have heard about it before or not, you may think that World Book Day is about books, and reading and all the lovely things in between, you would be very extremely mistaken.
World Book Day strikes fear in many a parents heart and soul."

So there you have it folks, perhaps World Book Day isn't as bad as I thought if you are a, a prepared parent type or b, (for better) you have an awesome child who knows what they want and isn't evil with it (anyone remember groot?!) TPFN, Kyra x PS, more of an FYI remally. he want as Naruto

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