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I'm baaack! - and giving myself a year.

Holy Maloley and Crap Goats (yes, that does all require capitals) ! It has been a year since my last post, a chuffing year. Wow. Well, at least I kept my new year's resolution, I stayed alive. Yay, go me. I've missed you my little bloggy, have you missed me too? I am sure you have, obviously. Now, let's get one thing out of the way right here and now. Consistency, not a strength of mine. Which is kinda sucky when that is one of the main skills needed for success but what the heck, when did we ever conform really? So, I am back, yahs, and I am going to try my darn tootin' hardest here, but don't judge if I am not a hardcore 'You will have a new blog every Xday' kind of blog owner, deal? Now, here goes... Hello February!

This year I decided a thing. I decided to give myself a year, this year, to try new things, to give it a go, to try and make some side hustles, and just generally not be scared to put myself, my acting, my creativity out there. Over the last half of last year, I worked a lot in freelance acting jobs, and I loved it. I adored it. I felt like I was where I was meant to be. So I decided I wanted more of this in my life. Unfortunately, as I am sure you can imagine, freelance acting isn't the most stable of career paths, so my plan has arms (Ok, not entirely sure 'arms' is the right word here but I'm sure you get the gist right?). Without giving too much away, this level of openness is quite scary enough right now thank you very much, I am looking at small little side businesses to top up my income while I attempt at building up my freelance work. There, I said it, it is out in the open, hecky peck. So stay tuned and lets see what happens. TPFN, Kyra x PS. January goal, totally smashed and the next blog post. PPS, while looking, turns out I wrote a few blogs last year and new published. Hmm, I wonder....

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