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I'm a published author now

That got your attention eh? Well good, because I have an author page and everything and, actually, I'm quite proud of it. Ok, so my books may not be filled with pages upon pages of wonderful words of wisdom or clever little dittys, but, I am still very happy with my creations. I am a low content book author, boo yah. I create notebooks, journals, planners and colourbooks. And that's just the start! As I said in my last blog, I am trying to create side hustles to build up a side income that will enable me to follow my acting dream, and this is my January 'hustle' if you will. My Plan; create 50 notebooks to be published on Amazon before the end of January. And I am proud to say that as of today I have over 70 notebooks, and some colouring books, published and available to buy on amazon. Want to see a sneaky peak? Of course you do, I know you so well....

These are obviously just a few designs so if you want to see more please do head on over to my author page and have a nosey around! Now my beautiful little Chumlins, that is all for now but keep your eyes peeled for our next little adventure! TPFN, Kyra x

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