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What a bloody amazing guide to not ruining my life evening it has been

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Ooh, I know, this is a rather late little post isn’t it? Hello little night owls out there! But, well, my brain is alive with words and thoughts and good stuff like that, and, well little chumlins, I just had to share it with you. Today I went back to my improv group, yes I did indeed.

Oh, side note, did you know I am a legend, and not in the way kidz nowadays say it, but in the living legend type, oh yes I am, how exciting is that?!


Today I was lucky enough to witness something that I think will actually change my brain. I don’t want to say change my life as that always feels a bit over the top and extreme but, it was amazing.

Laura and Diana, I will name check those, promise, as I am shockingly bad with names (they are right, go me!), are two talented ladies. Laura is the writer and Diana is the actor and producer.

“A Quick Guide to Ruining your Life” by Laura Harper


I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive, not only about going back to my improv group that has massively changed since I was last able to go, but also sitting in a small group of people watching a one woman show.

Surely it will be a bit weird and awkward?

Not at all. I can honestly say this without any dramatisation writing on my part...the room disappeared, I got completely lost in the show I was witnessing. It was so funny and engaging and really quite relatable. I loved it. I didn’t want it to end and I immediately messaged Nat to say I would be buying tickets. Even now, I am excited by what I saw and am even more excited to get to watch it in all its glory.

We then sat down and Laura gave us a writing session. Honestly, the way she spoke about writing, you could feel the passion, but the way she spoke about how to write comedy well…

I feel like I do try and write in the way she was speaking, but I’ve been suffering from a bit of writers overthinking block type rubbish recently and I don’t know, what she was saying just really helped me. It is hard to explain but I felt like my little box in my brain that holds my creative writing type bits had been unlocked, which is always nice when you want to write.

writing, creative, laura harper, the tuesday group, comedy
Look at us all writing away!

Her story really resonated with me. She inspired me.

I came home and I wanted to write. I don’t know what about really but I just wanted to start writing and see what happened. I really do love the feeling of writing, whether it is with a pen and paper or the clicking and tapping of keys on a keyboard.

I do find it funny that when I am really in a writing zone and just typing away I look up and the amount of typos is absolutely shocking but it’s like while my brian is working I just need to get it out of my brain and on to paper or screen as quickly as possible as you really don't know when my brain is going to go in to evil bastard mode and shut down again.

So here I am, happily typing away with no real direction but you know what, it is nice. I wonder if one day it will be interesting to actually share a piece of unedited shockingly typoed work, but I don’t think I could bring myself to. As much as i like the unfiltered version of my brian to paper, I think typos central would be just too much for my brain to handle and it may go on strike forever, and I don’t think I would like that very much at all my little chumlins.

Anyway, it is getting late and I think I may actually start to write a little fictional piece, oo, that would be rather exciting wouldn’t it. Oo, I tell you what, I may even get all comfy and snuggly in bed and give that a go, ooo, I’m liking this train of thought as it choo choos out the station, oh yes!


Kyra x

PS, yup, totally in bed finishing this off!

PPS, if you aren't lucky enough to see the show, here is a handy link to the book, how exciting! Totally smashing this blogging technical malarkey

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