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We are going on a New Hobby Hunt

I have decided that I need a new hobby.

Woah, calm down! Fear not little Chumlins, I am not giving up writing or blogging. I love you all far too much for that.

However, I need to find a hobby that does not require my brain to cooperate. As much as I love writing, inspiration does not always hit and sometimes even when I desperately want to write my brain will not cooperate in the slightest and quite honestly, will be a little bit of a bitch. So, I'm thinking, if I try and keep my naughty little brain busy and entertained with other creative things that she may be nice to me and allow me to write the whirlwind of thoughts tootling around in my head.

Also, well, as I am not always the most talented of creative people types due to my brain shutting off or going off on a walk all by itself without any notice or consideration to me or what I am doing, well, it could create something to write about. To start with, I am thinking....wait for it.....


wait for it....

building suspense.....

Sewing! Ok, a bit lacklustre in the building suspense department but that's a little exciting right? I mean, I've just started watching The Great British Sewing Bee so I'm halfway there I figure?! Anyhoo, I will obvs keep you all informed of my progress and if you have any hobby ideas then please do swing them over my way! TPFN,

Kyra x

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