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Unexpectedly Yummy 'Chuck it' Chicken Stir Fry

Updated: Mar 19, 2020

Tonight I adulted. I made tea. But not just any old throw freezer stuff in the oven tea* but a real life, healthy tea.

The genius began when I saw some stir fry sauce in the cupboard and boom, next thing I know I’m getting random veg stuff out and putting chicken in the oven. I do believe that T also had a hand in the thought process as he suggested Chinese and likes his veg. He also helped cook. He was my Glamourous Assistant, hereby known as G A.

Please note that this is literally a ‘chuck in’ whatever I had in the cupboards and freezer recipe so feel free to improvise and chuck in to your heart's content!

What you will need: Oven Hob Frying Pan Wok (If you are as posh as me, yah) or frying pan Sharp Knife Chopping Boards Spatula Glamorous assistant (G A)

Ingredients: 5 Chicken Breasts Mixed Veg – Carrots, peas, cauliflower and broccoli 3 Spring Onions 1/2 Onion 3 Sweet Gem Lettuce Leaves 2 Garlic Cloves Light Soy Sauce 2 Packs of Straight to wok Noodles (we used, udon thick) Chow Mein Stir Fry Sauce (We used Asda's own, with warming ginger) Chinese 5 spice Chives Garlic Powder Paprika Powder Salt and Powder

Step 1: Put the chicken in the oven to part cook. If it’s frozen then it will need a bit longer. Bonus, put it on tin foil to make cleaning up easier.

Step 2: Put frozen mixed veg in a pan of boiling water and gently boil. Frozen mixed veg is suggested because, well, it’s genius, it means you always have veg in the house. In our house it means buy a bag every time you go shopping and have a freezer full of the stuff.

Frozen veg

Behold, frozen mixed veg.

Step 3: Chop spring onions, garlic cloves, onion and lettuce leaves and leave on the chopping board. Bask in the glory of being ahead with chopping and not rushing..

Chopped ingredients

Step 4: Put soy sauce, chives, garlic and a little tap of paprika in the wok and heat.

Step 5: Add the spring onions, garlic cloves and onion to the wok and stir.

Step 6: Have your G A empty the pan of water and add the mixed veg to the wok. Give it a good stir together and add a little more soy sauce.

Step 7: Leave your G A stirring the veg while you cut up the chicken. After taking it out of the oven, obviously. Now, it is entirely up to you on the size of your chicken pieces. I feel this is personal preference and who I am to dictate your chicken size preferences.

Step 8: In a frying pan add cooking oil, Chinese 5 spice, salt and pepper and heat. Add the chicken and cook.

Step 9: Once the chicken is cooked and your G A is happy their is no pink left, add the chicken to the wok.

Step 10: Mix all the chicken and veg together and add the stir fry cooking sauce and give it another good mix. Or, have your G A do it, if you have lazy tired person arms.

chicken and vegetables

Step 10.5: Add your lettuce. Not earlier, who wants icky sloppy lettuce right?

Lettuce must be added last to stir fry

Step 11: Add your noodles to the wok and have one final, awesome stir. Try not to become disturbed that they look a little like worms.

Adding noodles to the wol
They look like worms right?

Step 12: Declare tea is ready and have G A set the table.

Step 13: Plop that wok on your table. It saves on washing up. Please put something underneath it if you don’t have a marble table (Oo er, posh!).

chicken and vegetable noodle stir fry
Behold, yummy chicken stir fry

Step 14: Serve, tuck in and enjoy. Almost choke on your noodle when all children are enjoying the meal and ask for seconds.

Chicken and Veg noodle stir fry
Yummy yummy yummy noodles, chicken and veg goodness

Step 15: Bask in the glory, you deserve it. Hey, why not make yourself a cinnamon latte as a reward? (Or, if you are a genius like me, teach your G A how to make one while you are waiting for tea to cook)

And there you have it. It was bloody lovely actually… I’d add more noodles next time though, as I could eat that again.

TPFN -Toodle pip for now

Kyra x

*Ok, OK, I admit, I looked in the freezer but we had no potato type products to put with the meat stuffs… Happy Now?

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