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The super duper handy and amazing guide to changing a toilet roll

Everyone has little bug bears. I have many.

One being, not changing the bloody empty toilet rolls.

Not the best when you have 5 children in the house and not one of them can seem to fathom how to put a new toilet roll near the toilet never mind change it.

I have come up with various solutions to this;

I have created a toilet roll storage area near the toilet with many a toilet roll in there.

I have had 'the chat'.

I have even gone so far as to make the downstairs toilet roll 'decorative' and fold the end in to a pretty triangle like they do in show houses and hotels.

I even put some essential oil on the decorative toilet roll to help the room smell nice. This did not end well. I probably wouldn't recommend this.

I have taken funny snap chat videos and sent them to the family

I have sent annoyed messages.

I have gone on strike and not changed a toilet roll. Not the best idea.

Nothing. Works.

So, I have a brand new plan. Perhaps, toilet roll changing isn't a thing they know how to do? Do they teach it in school? Nope, so today, I am creating, wait for it...

The super duper handy and amazing guide to changing a toilet roll

Be aware, there are some very disturbing images below of many, many empty toilet roll scenarios

Step 1. Enter the bathroom, which has probably been left with the light on. Grr!

Step 2. Sit down for a wee, and realise, just as the trickle starts flowing that there is no toilet roll left, just the empty toilet roll tube, hanging there, mocking you. Pure evil tubes have that one last roll of paper on that leads you in to a false sense of security.

Step 3. Shout for help but no one comes, no one cares, you must fight this fight alone.

Step 4. Jiggle about a bit to maximise wee shakage drying.

Step 5. Half run, half waddle to the nearest toilet roll storage area, which you can guarantee will be the furthest point possible. Be careful not to have uber embarrassing moment of bending over to get loo roll at the same point teenager comes round the corner. This is a hypothetical, of course...

Step 6. Run waddle back to the toilet with your toilet roll saviour in hand

Step 7. Go about your business.

Now for the hard part.

Step 8. Remove cardboard tube. Sometimes it is just a matter of slipping it off the holder, oo er, other times it's a bit more tricky; you have to pull the metal tube back a bit and take it off.

changing a toilet roll, parenting jokes
Look at that baby slide!

Step 9. Place, throw, just put that tube in the bin where it belongs.

Step 10. Unstick the end of the new loo roll.

Side Note, be careful here, no one wants that weird evil tearing, wrong side of the toilet paper thing happening here.

Step 11. Slide that bad boy on to the metal tube or holder.

Parenting hack, how to change a toilet roll
Look at that neat beauty!

Step 12. Pop the metal tube ends in to their holes with a satisfying 'pop'.

Step 13. Bask in the glory. This glory is very short lived so bask and bask long and hard.

Step 14. Repeat above steps, every day, for the rest of your life...

And there you have it. Perhaps we can show it to our children, maybe it will be shown in schools, become part of the syllabus, take over the world and change it for the better?! Or maybe, it brought a small laugh at the most stressful time.


Kyra x

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