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The Cornflake Ninja!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Isn't it funny how priorities and life changes in these funny old times. And by flipping heck little Chumlins, never did I ever think I'd be as excited as I am right now, over what I am right now! (See what I did there, a little teaser to read on? Ooo, that's good!)

Shock horror, no milk this morning so off I go on my travels far and wide, to the local corner shop, 0.1 miles away.

On my travels I feel like Cinderella as I chatter to all the animals

"Good Morning Puss Cat, how are you this fine day?"

"Why hello there Chirpy birds, how the devil are you?"

"No little spider, after you!"

Then shock horror happened, I saw someone I knew, I was not prepared for this, so, as any normal missing human contact person would, I slowed down my walk and avoided all eye contact until they went in to the shop, phew, well done, crisis averted!

I enter the shop and feel like I'm in one of those spy games, ducking and diving round the apples and potatoes to avoid being seen. Just as I start to relax and begin my potter something miraculously amazingly wonderful happens, there, in the distance, glowing in a gleaming golden light was....

A single, lonely box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes

Kellogg's corn flakes
There is obviously no editing here, this is how she appear to me from the distance

Side note; context, this is my mother in law's favourite cereal and she hasn't been able to get hold of it for weeks, not even on her birthday...dun dun duuun

Well, forgetting all fears of human eye contact I run at the box before triple rolling and diving through the air in a way even James Bond couldn't master, as though I was a starved lion feasting it's eyes on a plump (ooo, what a chuffing good word, plump!) gazelle for the first time in 3 years. Grabbing the box, I clutch it towards me and head straight to the check out with stealth and erm, grace, lets go with grace, where I tell the rather confused looking cashier how utterly exciting it is that I have a box of corn flakes, not just corn flakes, Kellogg's corn flakes.

Well, I run skip back home chatting away to all the animals who would listen, which was all of them, obviously, how amazingly excited my dearest Beverley (MIL) would be at this amazing find. It crossed my mind for a split second how odd it was that I was this excited over something that I wouldn't really have a second thought about way back when, but I shoved that thought away, be gone you negative monster, I am on happy cloud nine, whoop!

I burst through the door

"Nat, you must phone your mother immediately if not sooner for I have the most splendid, exciting news!"

She looked marginally confused until she saw the marvel of what I had brought home.

She smiled. Yup, seriously, that is all she did, smiled, no jumping or dancing with excitement, smiled, the cheek.

For the first time in my life I excitedly video called with complete disregard for my wild hair all dishevelled from the rain.

"Hello Beverley, how much do you love me?"

"Depends, what do you want?"

Well, charming! However, I had the last laugh as I slowly brought the box of wonder and excitement in to view and she smiled and chuckled (another good word), obviously bottling up her excitement until she was no longer on video. I am sure right now she is dancing round the house doing back flips and singing songs about how wonderful I am. Perhaps I will feature in her new window display, probably.

I may or may not have suggested I would chop the hands off anyone who tries to eat the cereal before I skip off for a mini photo shoot with the wonderous box.

Anyway, I really should get on with lessons, everyone is on with the learning and I'm still grinning like a Cheshire cat at my amazing find!


Kyra x

PS. I may have over dramatised ever so slightly through excitement but you will never know, bwahahaha!

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