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The best news of my life: The Announcement

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blogs for this important announcement

Side note; I feel a 'lolz' needs to go in here as my blogs have been far from regularly scheduled...

Now where was I, oh yes, important announcement. Are you ready for it? Like, really really ready? It's a big one!

All children are back at school tomorrow!!

You know what, I don't think that is dramatic enough for the momentous announcement of which this is, and I'm not sure italics works here. Hang on, let's try this again....

All children are back at school.....tomorrow!!!!

Dear lord, I can have gifs in my blog now? This is dangerously epic news!!

That's better. That'll do (pig, that'll do).

It is true. We have had the emailing confirming it and everything. I have been waiting for this day for so long. I have been counting down the minutes. I have dreamt of this day. I have planned the many joyous child free things I will do.

Now now, just in case one of the Serious Ones has found their way here and are of the thought of;

"Oh my dear lordy lord, how can she say this?! Is she not the most grateful of grateful peoples for having extra time with her little darlings and shaping their futures with the magic of education with the extra added sprinkle of love that only a mother can show to the loins of her womb (is that a saying? Hang on...Oh, it's fruit, fruit of my loins, oops)"

The short answer? No.

Now, bare with before you get all offended and report me to the not loving your children people. Like I have said, I love my children. I really do. I love my children and I love spending time with them. I do not, however, love homeschooling them. I will admit to you that I have struggled with this a bit during the homeschooling lockdown times seeing all these happy parents loving the extra time with their children while I cried and rocked in a corner with the noun song on repeat in my head while the small people told me that Russia was the capital of Scotland after learning capitals all week, and even more so when on my Facebook news feed there were parents upset and crying that their children were returning to school while I was skipping down the street bottle of gin in one hand and party poppers in the other singing 'Celebrate good times...COME ON!'.

But in my uber wisdom type stuff which, trust me, surprises me as much as it does you I have realised that, well, first off, social media isn't designed for real life. Social media is sort of like a magical mirror in to the perfect little world we all wished we had while ignoring any negativity that may happen in the bid to make our lives looks absolutely perfect all of the time. Except of course for those who like to get the attention from the drama of negativity, or those who check in to A&E and then put nothing else. Just saying. But I have also realised that it is OK to, basically, not like your children all the time. It doesn't mean you don't love them. Let's face it, kids can be, quite frankly, little arseholes sometimes so it is only natural to not like them, but this doesn't mean that you don't love them with all your heart and would fight wild bears with red eyes and dripping fangs to save them, because obviously you would! It just means that when they are giving you devil eyes across the table because you dared to tell them off for stabbing their brother in the head with a compass because they were breathing too loudly and that is why they couldn't write in full sentences and had to google their french answers that it would be very hard to like them at that point, and that is OK.

Like my mum used to say;

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I have to like you right now"



I felt I had to share this news with you as I am sure you were wondering after reading my very subtly titled blog 'Homeschooling was created by the devil'.

You are Welcome.

TPFN, Kyra x

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