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That shop with the tasty name but the not so tasty attitude

Today was supposed to be a fun and exciting adventure. As with all adventures I felt a little nervous and what's that word, it'll come to me....apprehensive (thanks google assistant!).

Today I was going to become a real life blogger. Today, I was going to become the owner of...wait for it.....

A Laptop!

My poor laptop is so old and past her best. She takes hours to turn on, needs to be connected to power as her battery is pretty much dead and she has complete meltdowns over the simpliest of things. Not to mention she sounds like Darth Vadar choking. A simple blog can take what feels like a million years with her having a hissy fit every time you want to change the font, or, you know, type.

Don't get me wrong, she has done me well, she has survived many an adventure and turmoil, she has even stayed with me after the ceiling fell on her head. Do you have any friends that you could say that about? (Also, as she is what I am currently typing on, I would like to add that she is bloody amazing, wonderful and all that jazz...)

Why, pray tell (Ooh, never written that before...sounds posh, I like it, she stays), are you writing on your old, though lovely, granny laptop when you have been shopping for your new, you're an official blogger type blogging person sexy beast of a laptop I hear you cry? Read on my chumlins, read on.

Off on our adventure we go. Thankfully Nat is surprisingly technically minded thank goodness and has an idea of what she is looking for so that relaxes me a bit. My brain does not lend itself to that side of the world (oo er, all the posh is coming out tonight, must be all the evil posh step mum line learning I've been doing, thanks Grimelda!) and can leave me not fully enjoying the buying new technology experience as much as I should be.

So, where do you go when you are laptop, not buying, just looking, we are not buying today, looking? I would say most of you would think of a place that reminds you of tasty, slightly spicy food, that can be good with rice, chips, or a naan bread combined with a similar phrase to laptop globe, am I right?

So enter the place of foodie laptop globe and head to the various laptop stations. Blimey it is a scary and intimidating and confusing place, but fear not, sales people are always on hand to swoop in and offer assistance in the hopes of sealing the deal and their pay bonus thing, or whatever it is they get when they guide you to buying the higher priced thing that seems a great idea in the shop and has you wondering why you spent so much over budget when you got home.

And do you know what happened my little chumlins? Nothing. Nothing happened. We looked at laptops for 40 minutes. Two women, looking at pretty much every laptop there, quite clearly testing out various styles and checking the different things you check. And not one person, not one member of staff approached us.

We decided to go for coffee. Coffee makes everyone feel better. Perhaps they are in a lull and it's just a bad time. But I'll let you in on something my little chumlins, I felt...weird. I felt uncomfortable. I felt as though something I did not quite understand had just happened. There were other customers in the shop, some having been in for only moments, and they had been approached, assisted, acknowledged. What was it about us that meant we didn't get so much as a smile, a glance?

We went for coffee. We chatted, we laughed, we discussed laptops and life and everything felt better. We decided to go back...we had decided on 'the one'.

Even now, writing this, I'm not really sure. Am I overthinking? Or underthinking? I don't know. But in we went. We went to the laptop, we looked around like you do when you are signalling you want to buy, a bit like a meerkat really, we meerkatted, and...nothing. We searched for people to help. There were two sales men standing chatting, we looked, smiled and signalled for assistance, and do you know what...we were ignored? Blanked like the unpopular kids in the school play ground. Backs turned on and conversations continued without a second thought. Eh? What? How does this happen?

I can't even get mad, because, I don't really understand. The problem with my brain is that I know I can overthink and see things more negatively. But how else do you see this?

We went to the same store a few towns away, and after being in the store for just the right amount of time, we were approached and asked if we would like help.

I'll admit, their actual knowledge to be able to advise without the assistance of the same website I could go on myself was shocking, but, we were seen, treat as people, acknowledged.

Unfortunately, they didn't have 'the one' in stock, but kindly reserved it for us for collection the next day....

By the time you are reading this I am hoping to have brought home my new baby, my next step in to the blogging world, and who knows, the worlds beyond. I can't imagine publishing before, as, quite honestly, I type as quickly as I can while she isn't crashing and I'm too afraid to go back and fix the typos in case she has a problem with that. Sigh.

TPFN - Toodle Pip For Now

Kyra x

PS, I got my baby, yes I did. She is called Chromie, welcome Chromie!

We went on our adventure, it was lovely and wonderful and we were again treated like humans. They were bloody lovely actually, well done to them!

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