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My daughter, is who!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Who keeps a bag of nail polishes under their pillow?

My daughter is who!

How do I know this I hear you cry, probably.

Well, let me begin.

Nat is feeling under the weather. Not deadly virus under the weather, but just general, shitty, chronic illness under the weather.

I have given her the bedroom, and thus, the bed as I am obviously super awesome and supportive. Also, who wants to sleep in a literal sick bed? Well, me actually, I miss her and the bed, but, let's not digress in to mushy shit.

Tonight, there is a spare bed. Said daughter's bed is free so I decide to take this opportunity to sleep in a bed tonight.

Before I jump in, I remove a lip balm, a bottle top and a coat hanger, like you do.

As i start to doze off my leg scratches on something.

A note book and pen. Clearly everyone has these stored away in their bed right?

Then, I go to turn over and am greeted with seering pain up my arm. Oh my giddy goodness, what is that?!

A make up bag. A chuffing make up bag filled with millions of tiny glass nail polish bottles. Under her pillow!

What possible reason should anyone have to have tiny nail polish bottles under their pillow?!

AND she doesnt even paint her nails!

Now I am led typing, too scared to move through fear I could find something else that will attack me. How can she live in this fear? Is she immune?

Yes, I could get out of bed I supposed, but honestly, my belly is all too much water swishy and I'm comfy and tired. It's like when you.wake up needing a wee but try and go back to sleep because you dont want to move but then you dont really sleep. I am certain that is not just me...

Wish me luck little Chumlins!


Kyra x

PS. The sequin mermaid just attacked my face, that bitch

PPS. Oo, the plot thickens! Getting my arm comfy under the pillow, as you do and it encounters yet another hard thing. What on earth is it this time? A mobile phone, with charging cables attached. I shit you not. What is she, some secret bloody drug dealer, does she deal chocolate bars behind the bike sheds?! Well, no, highly unlikely. What's more likely is that shes found her confiscated phone and smuggled it away like some addict. There will be words.

I have now left the bed of doom for the much safer land of the sofa

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2 則留言

Kyra Marie
Kyra Marie

Why thank you! It really is! I cant stand finding anything in my bed, well, except Nat of course 😉 Why I wrote it still laid in the bed of doom I dont know, but creative needs must 😉 TPFN x



This made me laugh out loud!! You are too funny. That happened to me one time I laid down in my sisters bed. It’s crazy the stuff other people sleep with!

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