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Swotty little Geography learning person, and proud!

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

I will let you in on a secret little Chumlins, despite doing it as my GCSE (do those still exist?!) and getting a B, I kinda, a little, absolutely...suck at Geography.

The horror I know.

I swear my brain has had a little knowledge dump, either that or my mind palace is keeping that room under strict lock and key!

So when the small people were sitting down to do a spot of Geography sent by the wonderful Mother in Law, I quite excitedly actually, sat down and joined in.

Boy did I learn stuff!

I even had some kid (OK, It may have been one of mine, possibly) copy my work because I am such a genius of immense proportions so I was moved.

Genius. Bloody, swotty, genius. And proud!

And who knew, all those years ago, when colouring the edges of the land with the sea in blue was just some pointless rubbish waste of time, that now it would be really quite therapeutic.

Now I know that Italy is entirely yellow and is a shoe kicking a ball, I wonder if it's painful. Also, it's not just any shoe, a heeled shoe, my favourite kind! I will have to add this yellow shoe to my list of places to visit, when we are allowed out that is.

No, naughty wording there Ms Marie! We are not trapped inside, we are safe inside!

Anyway, I have proudly displayed my work on the wall alongside the other students and will keep referring back to it to ensure maximum learnage. Oh hell yeah!

geography map of Europe from home school learning
Aww, look at that proud little face

Oh, and a beautiful quote of the day?

What is the Capital of Scotland?


Oh dear lord, I am breeding geniuses!


Kyra x

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