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Sorry holidays, we can't cope with you.

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

Well, blimey heck the weekend was hard! I'm also pretty sure that it had way more hours per day than it was supposed to.

Weekends used to be something to look forward to, now, hecky peck, I dread them.

OK, slightly dramatic, possibly...


The small people have been unable to self entertain, at all.

Seriously, it's like they can't manage independent thought enough to just go off and play... or do...or anything that isn't perma attached to Nat or I.

Side note; literally just sat down, they've been told to play outside, and they are back inside wanting to know what I am doing... breeeeeath !

Maybe harsh, maybe not. I'm not really sure. Everything seems to be blurring a little really.

During the week we are getting to the point of quite organisedness. There are worksheets and folders and plans and stuff and we just get on with the work and things mostly. It's quite nice actually. I like this little organised way of living, quite novel really.

The weekend however, they don't appear to be able to I'm sure they used to do, at least a little bit. Doing has happened, I'm sure, kinda...

Anyway, normally this isn't too big a problem as they are off to school and things, so energy can be maximum, ish, at the weekend to handle the entertaining, and talking, and doing, and talking, and arguing, and talking...

There's 5 of them, they talk. A lot.

But now our energy is being used, constantly, with school work, sorting and teaching and learning and marking as well as the usual cooking and cleaning and sorting and working... not a lot of time for the living as human type as opposed to parents and teachers.

Now, I obviously love being a parent, and quite enjoy being a teacher too, but as much as it's enjoyable, even taking away how hard work it is, it is still important to have time for your self. For your own growth and development, or just to be able to go pee or poop in peace... (ahh, just imagine!)

In a shock twist of life, I even look forward to the days of going back to work, who knows I may even appreciate a poop in public toilets, the horror! I can't imagine where I'd actually fit the work in if I wasn't on furlough. Who knew you'd be thankful of no work and no money eh?!

Well, kind of. Let's not get carried away ey?


So, we have decided to stick with routine and carry on the school environment during the holidays. Shocking right?! That this is the better option. (I do feel like adding a 'LOL' in here but I will resist)

We have done quite well the past two weeks getting them in to a routine and really, they have taken to it remarkably well. We not only feel that it would just be too hard to entertain them without the routine, as perfectly evidenced this weekend, but it would also ruin the quite nice flow we have.

Also, ahem, I'm quite enjoying my own little learning journey, just don't go telling everyone OK?

So here we are Monday of the Easter holidays and we have done pe, flash times tables, maths, science, art and drama. Not bad really, feeling a little bit smug, not going to lie.

Oh, and the quote of the day?

"A trump is a lump of gas bacteria, remember the corona virus?!"


Kyra x

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