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My Very own 'Shark Attack' Story

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Let me start with apologising for the shocking behaviour of not posting a blog this Saturday as usual, but dicing with death can do that to a person.

Yes, you read that right, I almost died this week. I have brushed with death. I, Kyra Marie, swam in shark infested waters!

Fear not though my little Chumlins, for I am safe! I survived and I am here to tell the shocking tale.

I will now present you with the terrifying details of the case;

  1. While having a wonderful, and may I say much needed, holiday last week on the beautiful East Coast we had a trip to Filey Beach.

  2. A 15ft shark, while swimming in the waters near Filey Beach managed to beach itself, not 10 metres from where we sat. Alive. It was alive. You know what sharks do when they are alive right? Well, let’s just say it wasn’t sleeping!

  3. The shark in question was a basking shark. Basking sharks are the second largest shark in the ocean. I kid you not, I checked with Uncle Google and everything, and he, as we all know, knows everything.

  4. Do you know what else Uncle Google told me? Basking sharks are even bigger than Great White sharks, and then, I was kindly shown a video of a Great White taking down a 33ft whale. I shit you not. Well, I could have fainted.

  5. Now, because believe it or not, humans are not all bad, we tried to help the deadly creature back into the ocean where it belongs.

Side Note; yes, I am aware it is actually the sea in these parts, not the ocean, but in our family of completely weird language, it is the ocean. Ground sheet instead of fitted bed sheet, need I say more…

6. This shark however was not a grateful little bean appreciating all our hard efforts of help and threw it straight back into our faces by repeatedly heading back to the shore. Clearly it was not ready to be evicted from a tasty all you can eat human buffet. Who can blame him Iguess?!

7. This was no ordinary shark though. This, my dear little Chumlins, was a teenage shark. Yes, the grumpiest, hungriest creature on the planet, in shark form. Can I get a Dun Dun Duuuuun!

basking shark, shark on filey beach, filey beach,
See that teeny tiny person right there?! Yeah, that was pretty much me....

Ok, so, as we are the closest of Chumlins, I will let you in on a teeny tiny secret. I may have over exaggerated ever so slightly above, but, well, it makes for a good read right?! Well, here are the actual true life facts of the case;

  1. Actually, completely true. It was indeed a lovely holiday and we all needed it as a family. We had fun and frolics and actual real life sunshine. I’m not sure which is more rare.

  2. The shark was found on Filey Beach on Thursday evening. It was alive and it was indeed extremely close to where we sat, when we went the next day.

  3. Basking sharks are indeed the second largest shark in the ocean, after the Whale shark. They do not, however, eat humans. They are completely harmless and prefer the tasty treats of plankton, yum! And kind of just, swim around with their mouths open scooping up all that tasty food. Who needs an all you can eat buffet when you can literally have food coming to you 24/7 just by opening your mouth. Can you imagine, you get hungry, open your mouth and there you go, satisfied belly right there. Anyway, I digress…

  4. Well, this is actually all true. If I am smart enough I will put a video in here to show you the taking down of the enormous whale. Either way, real, true life fact right there. Don’t say I never give you anything….

How amazingly dramatic is that?!

5. The coast guard and RNLI, being the mighty fine fellows that they are, did indeed get into the e water and try to help the not so little guy back to the deep dark ocean sea where it belongs to swim wild and free.

6. Unfortunately, the poor little guy was really rather disorientated and had possibly suffered some form of brain damaged as he couldn’t hold himself up at times and kept trying to get back to the shore. I guess in a weird way, he must have felt it a safe place.

And in a final, sad note that even I would not dare to over exaggerate or play with words with, the poor little guy was put to sleep as he was just too poorly to return to his big blue sea.

So there you have it. I would just like to note that when I found out about the shark, we were not made aware of it’s plankton eating ways, so it was indeed a scary death defying...2-3 minutes right there until Uncle Google jumped in with a big old “hold your horses”.

And, as I am feeling grown up big girl blogger like with research and videos and everything, I would just like to point out how easy it is to take facts and make them in to something really rather different just by omitting a few little truths. So be careful believing everything you read, like this;

Unless it is from me obviously, would I ever lie to you?!

Also, funnily enough, Lou asked us if sharks swam in these waters and we had a little laugh at her expense. She definitely had the last laugh though, as indeed, Basking sharks are found all around the mighty UK coast. So, if you have been in the sea around the Uk coastline then you have indeed, just like me, swam in shark infested waters.


Kyra x

And as this is my first big girl blog with research and links and everything, here is my little reference, giving credit bit as, you know, I obviously don't own them and just used the joys of the internet to share them with you


FYI, whatever videos follows the shared videos is no way a friend of mine.


Look at them for some sexy sources.

PS, I can feel your appreciation for my immense photo editing skills from here. Thank you!

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