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Share Your Bees!

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

I am trying to make sure that I am sharing and spreading as much positivity as possible, but let's be honest, it's a pretty bloody shitty time. To put it mildly.

However, in every dark cloud there's a silver lining and all that jazz and we have a new snazzy phrase in our house;

"Share Your Bees"

share your bees, communication, how to help kids communicate
I know, I'm amazed at my pun too!

Don't fret little Chumlins, of course I will explain!

In these hard times it is even more important to make sure we talk, share our worries and not bottle things up, but it can also be incredibly hard to start a conversation of this kind, trust me, I know, I live in a house of non sharers after growing up with some too!

I was trying to check in with all the small people to find out how they were feeling without causing too much 'oh heck' panic and it was when I was talking to Boo the Bees happened.

We were talking about how important it is to talk and express our feelings, obviously in little people terms, and he told me about school and how his teachers are there to listen and help with the bees. Makes no bloody sense right?!

Then he explained, and here I will paraphrase because his way, as wonderful as it was and always is, takes quite a bit of decoding sometimes and also, I can't remember it all...;

When your brain is all full or has a worry it is like a little bee, or bees, buzzing round.

You need to let your bees out by talking to someone else, that way they can take the bees to the best person, or put them in a box and the bees are no longer your worry.

I'm sorry, but how bloody awesome is that?!


Yes, I agree.

I've added and made a few little tweaks there but what a genius idea, so much so that we are now using it in our house.

We can simply say;

"Share your bees"

"Do you have any bees you need sharing?"


'Can I share my bees?"

And, you know what, actually flipping speech has happened!

I know, I'm as shocked as you.

So, another little gift from me to you is the gift of communication.

You're welcome.

Just remember, with great power comes great responsibly and all that. So you know, if you end up getting a bunch of unwanted 'he called me an apple' type bees, don't say I didn't warn you.


Kyra x

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Nour Alhamwi
Nour Alhamwi
Mar 29, 2020

Communication is very important in any relationship! Great post!


Mar 26, 2020

Communication is my very favorite thing about living with other people! There is so much to learn about the things our fellow humans are thinking and feeling if only we ask, so I love your creative "share your bees" idea. :)


Mar 26, 2020

Communication is my very favorite thing about living with other people! There is so much to learn about the things our fellow humans are thinking and feeling if only we ask, so I love your creative "share your bees" idea. :)

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