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Screw 'Miss Marie'! I'm now 'Dr Marie'!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

I became a Doctor today, that was fun!

It was NHS day at school and we were starting with making our own doctors bags.

It was a bit touch and go to start, there didn't appear to be enough work sheets for me too! This did not make me happy and I had to hold back a sulk because they looked awesome!

But fear not little Chumlins! For all was OK, there was a spare one for me.

OK, it may have been for the ginger one, but he was doing engineering or something rubbish like that so I got my own doctors bag template!

Happy Days!

I tell you what, oh it was lovely and relaxing, and challenging and fun and the end result, well, see for yourself!

I think we can all agree this is bloody awesome!!

I then went all teacher mode and we talked about the NHS and all they do while going through a power point, I think I was, quite frankly, amazing, even if I do say so myself!

Ooo, then it was super fun and we had X rays of broken bones and we had to guess which bone it was from. This was tricky so we helped each other, kinda, and an awesome impromptu lesson from Nat happened.

The ankle bone is not connected to the leg bone, they lied! (It's the fibula and tibia 'll have you know!)

The day ended beautifully by giving the NHS a huge round of applause outside (With our carpals and metacarpals and phalanges!)


Kyra x

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