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Potty Poetry - yeah, I never thought this title would happen either!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Today I wrote a poem.

I know, I'm as surprised as you are, trust me!

I have never really written a poem.

Not even in school.

I tried to get out of it, but no matter my excuse, writing a poem was part of my destiny today.

I'm pretty sure the last time I had to write a poem I phoned my friend up and she told me one over the phone (Shhh, don't tell!!).

And don't even get me started on the ridiculousness of having to pick the poor little bastards apart and analyse them! I'm pretty sure the poet wrote it for enjoyment, not torture!

Anyway, I digress... I wrote a poem, AND, I am really rather blooming pleased with it actually;

funny naughty poem, quarantine poem
Genius right?!

You're amazed right?! It just came to me you know! Only took a few minutes for that literary genius right there. Hard to believe I'll admit.

We had an April's Fool Day Circus theme day today (Let's just pretend this was a wonderful idea plucked from our brains and not that we have a awesome, creative teacher in the family shall we, yes?!).

I think I could get used to this homeschooling thing. The joining in bit anyway.

Even if I did get 'told off' for bad language and told to sit in a corner.

I got to eat Nutella pancakes in peace sitting on the floor in the corner of the kitchen, so who is really the winner here, hmm? HA, thought so!

I've made a clown mask too, wanna see?! Of course you do;

silly clowns
Too beautiful ladies right there?!!

Ooh, I wonder what I will learn at home school tomorrow?!


Kyra x

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