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Not a pamper night, but a fun random night with tennagers

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Would you like to know a secret? Oh go on then, as it's you little Chumlin... This was actually written before lockdown but I never published the poor little thing. Now, I don't believe poor little bloggy post should suffer because of the lockdown so here she goes off in to this world...


I'm quite enjoying my Monday nights in to myself, only I'm not actually by myself, the older two are at home. But they like their space and are quite good at leaving me in my little world while still popping down to see if i'm OK. Awww.

Sometimes though, it's like a revolving door.

So home I come with my plan;

Face Steamer

Refreshing Drink

Face Mask

Plait Hair

Foot Mask

Chromie Time

Write a Blog

Read a book

I arrived home at 8.15pm, poured myself a cool refreshing glass of orange juice while the steamer, steamed, gathered some pamper goodies, set Chromie up and sat down for my lovely relaxing pamper.

Hey Google was being a bit of a bitch and not playing me lovely relaxing music but I wasn't going to let her mess up my evening, so I ignored her and began my face steam. Take that biatch.

The Ginger entered, bloody hell he has bad taste in music....

"This is supposed to be a relaxing zone" I muffled through my steamy steamer

To be fair to him, off he went with his very bad music. He's not a bad egg really.

Back to the pamper.

I even text Nat, not bragging really, just...ya know

Face sauna done

Fresh orange juice, yum

Moisturiser on feet

Face mask on

Scalp oil in hair

Feet up

Chromie ready


Then, well the evening changed...

The nutella had.....VANISHED! Dun Dun Duuuuun!

Nutella is a bit like gold dust in our house. It doesn't last very long. As soon as it is discovered every man and his dog seems to have it and blink and it's gone.

But there was half a big tub yesterday....

Anyway, investigation was under way and completed quite quickly and I won't actually go in to the conclusion, this isn't a crime blog you know...

Next thing I know

I have two teenager types with me. All happy, and sociable and shizzle.

We chatted about all sorts actually;

Weird teenager words and phrases they use that they think are cool but actually make them sound like turnips... We even had a game where we tried to guess what they meant...let's not speak of how that went shall we?!

Completely weird and random questions to ask me for my blog. Well, in to the brains of teenagers we went...scary!

Random randomness of the most random. Too random for poor little bloggy and for you my wonderful Chumlins

I proper parented too...and gave advice and all sorts. Yes, feeling a bit smug, no, not ashamed at all.

Then tiktok happened, I'm not really sure how actually...

Lol was showing me videos and we were having a good old giggle while Ro showed me random dance videos while practising the dance moves. Let's just say.. I end up giving dancing advice, yup, me, I felt like I was awesome btw...and the table got cleaned, a lot.

Then, as quickly as they entered, they left and the world was silent again. Blimey.


Kyra x

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