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It's a hard life being a chef teacher extraordinaire!

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Blimey O'Reilly, I'm knackered!

Today I had to be teacher rather than student.

Today, I am chef teacher extraordinaire!

In an act of either pure bravery, or utter moronism I decided to bake two recipes, with 3 children, at the same time.

Two recipes were decided on;

Chocolate Orange Marble Cake


Jam Tarts

Well, to stop arguments of who was making what, I basically had different stations with different tasks, for the two recipes at the same time...

Hours. It took, hours!

You've no idea how close I was to shouting;

"for the love of god just fucking hurry up!"

during the decorative tart making bit. Not that I ever would, honestly.

Isn't it darling that they are enjoying it. Hmm

AND I didn't even really get to bake myself.

I've literally worked all day. Yes, feel the sorry. Thank you.

I am too tired to write.

But here I am, trying my best, for you little Chumlin.

Hey, at least I managed to sneak off to decorate the cake. Shhhh, don't tell anyone!

And, well, it was blooming, utterly, yummy scrummy.


Bloody hell, get me back to being the student, please!


Kyra x

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