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I don't have a degree in Lesbianism

Disclaimer, any friends or family members who don't want to know too much, turn back now. Just not too quickly, I don't want to mess up my bounce rate ;) Only joking, probably...

Well, here we go, we are going to give this a go. It is Pride month after all so it seems as good a time as any to do this blog. I feel like this blog has been brewing away for a while, lurking in the back of my brain and on the tips of my fingers but hiding away, not quite ready to come out. I'm not sure it is yet actually but what the heck!

Anyway, full confession, I told Nat that I don't feel like I am 'lesbian enough' to write about lesbian stuffs and I got a bit of a telling off, which was quite fair and whatnot as, you know, I am a lesbian! So here we are, typing away and giving it a go, so please, bare with, this is new territory here.

Not the lesbian bit, the writing about it, obviously...

I am not one for labels, I really, really don't like them actually. I am a firm believer in why can't people just be who there are, why do we have to give everyone a nice neat little box to sit in so you can seal it with a big label and seal them away foreverrrr (Said in a really dramatic way. Can you tell?!).

On top of that, honestly, I haven't really had any struggles. I didn't have to 'come out', or tell my friends and family, and when they 'found out' they were all very supportive, to be honest, there is just no difference to me dating a boy or a girl, nothing changed. Going out with my girlfriend I have not suffered any negativity or attacks from people. I have never been given any real abuse for being a lesbian.

Also, I don't know the 'ins and outs', the background, the does and don'ts all I know is, I am completely in love with Nat, I love her brain, her personality and yes, her body, boobies and all.

I have been give many labels over the past few years; straight, bi curious, pan, bi sexual, lesbian and now...lipstick lesbian! I have to admit, when this one came up it didn't bother me, labels don't really, but I found this one cute and amusing and the flag is a bit sweet too.

lipstick lesbian, lesbian blog, being a lesbian, pride month, why are labels important,
Lipstick Lesbian Flag, not bad really...maybe if I just made it a tad brighter...

Even the description;

Lipstick lesbian is slang for a lesbian who exhibits a greater amount of feminine gender attributes, such as wearing make-up, dresses or skirts, and having other characteristics associated with feminine women

Doesn't sound that bad really does it? Being feminine, wearing makeup and dresses, well that all checks. Then I had a little wander down the Google path and, well it's a mixed bag really as to what people think and feel about it.

So, why are labels so important to people? Whether they love to have a label, love other people to have a label, or they absolutely hate the labels they are given.

I don't really have an answer, all I really know is that labels really aren't important to me at all. I am proud of who I am, even if I don't have a degree in lesbianism. I don't need to have the degree to be who I am or to be with Nat, I can love her without any of the history, the knowledge, or the struggles.

I've tried to say I am not a lesbian, I am just a person in love with Nat, but the truth is, I am.

I love her. She is a women, she has lady bits and I love them all. I love chatting with her, laying with her, being with her, talking with her and yes....having the sex too! Shhh!

Before my first sexual experience with a woman, Nat actually, I will let you in on a little secret, I had a Google of lesbian sex, it was a completely new world, turns out though I took to it like a duck to water and, not bragging but, I am pretty bloody good at it.

And I'm pretty sure that makes me a real life lesbian thank you very much.

So, fuck the labels, we don't need them. They don't define us, they don't change who we are so why let them put us in to a box.

However, not trying to be a hypocrite or anything but...I'm going to start relabelling (well, categorising, but you get the irony, right?!) my website and even adding, drum roll please!

The Lesbian Bits!

Well, this could be a random little ride we are going to have here!


Kyra x

PS. Secretive little side note; I got so annoyed at not being able to properly write down what I wanted to say, I walked off up to Tesco and bought wine.

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