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Sometimes, it takes a little time. So just chill The flip out!

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

Last week felt like a good week. I felt inspired to write and enjoyed doing it too, when I had the chance.

The weekend came and I remember coming downstairs, almost bounding I suppose (as we are writing writers now) excited to write. I sat for a while with my morning drink listening to the younger 3 talk. They like to talk, a lot, to us at least, to each other it is mostly annoying each other trying to get a rise, screaming or whining each others names or just generally arguing. Inspiration hit and I started jotting down the funny, weird and wonderful things that were coming out of their mouths. They ‘made’ lunch. It was all shocking and hilarious and perfect to write about.

picnic lunch
This is their idea of making us a nice lunch…

Then into the kitchen I went, found a puddle of water with my foot and Boom; 4 hours and train of thought had left the station, poop.

Always trying to make the most out of a crappy situation..

Well, mostly…

Erm… Often?

Ok, OK, sometimes. but it doesn’t have the same effect does it?

“Sometimes trying to make the most out of a crappy situation.”

Blog Sophistication ruined, I hope you're happy now.

Where was I? Oh yes, making the most out of a crappy situation.. well I blogged didn’t I? I’m sure you’ve read the thrilling adventures of the pipes, if not…well I’d add a link if I knew how. Woah, go me…here it is…

Sunday, I can’t even tell you about. Honestly, other than rehearsals I don’t remember it. I just know… the inspiration it had gone! Poof! Vanished! Bye Bye!


Hello Monday!

New day, new week.

It was blue Monday. Marvellous. thank you Universe!

Well. a blog happened, I published it but I didn’t feel it. Worse still, I started rereading my other blogs and all confidence went.

Thanks Blue Monday, appreciate it 🤬

I Spoke with Nat. She is My Oracle of Wisdom.

It was pointed out that I was blogging for me, for something I enjoyed and should not be getting stressed about it. That I needed to slowdown.

Here is an actual wonder-full (in that it is full of wonder so no typo thank you very much) text…

“Yes …..But……Dame Kelly Holmes didn’t get 5 gold Olympic medals when she started running. She started running because of enjoyment, lots of practice and time spent enjoying the sport meant she gained experience, skill and talent which eventually led her to the main stage and she grew with experience which led her to becoming an Olympian…. Divina de Campo didn’t stick a wig on and walk on to Ru Paul’s runway. It took nearly 20 years…”

She talks so much sense.

So I stopped. Well, I stopped writing and publishing blogs and I started researching. I went from trying to find out how to get readers to my blog to how to start a blog, how to write and understanding the different…wait for it… niches. Yes, I remember my previous blog ‘Rebelling against the Niche’ (look at this link sophistication, learn something new every day!), and it still stands, I still want to write what I write, but what it did do was make me understand what I wanted for my blog so much more. And Hey, I’m kinda Lifestyle Blog like, apparently…

So after a bit of time and a lot of research, I’m back, I’m here and I’m ready to write. I have so many ideas. What I am not going to do is;

1. Rush the blogs to be published. Yes, I may write an amazing blog that I want to share immediately, but with this amazing schedule thing that I’m going to learn to do I can create a schedule that works to provide regular content without bombarding little bloggy with 509 billion blogs one day, and then nothing for days, weeks even.

2. Feel I have to write every day. The above will help with this. Having a back up of content means that if I am not feeling the writing bug that day or I am too busy then I don’t need to. This is for fun remember. 3. Think that I have to publish a blog every day. Now, I will blame wordpress a tiny bit for this. They gave me a shiny badge saying I’d written for 4 days in a row…I like shiny things, I like badges. Naughty wordpress.

Even now I feel my brain is having a little brain fog moment so, like a blogging blogger that I am, I am going to have a little wander and give it a recharge.


Hello again! It is me, Kyra (Marie) (Hehe, see what I did there).

Well I went for a wander, had the scary task of cutting rope string for Nat’s new Airfix (scary, very as, if you get it wrong, actual death, or worse! (Feel the drama!)), then we had a spot of tea and a drink. Now I arrive back to you dearest blog fully nourished, hydrated and armed with Flipz. Only 4 though, I can’t be trusted with the bag, they’d go too quickly. Well, actually now there are 3. I ate, oh wait…. Now there are 2 Flipz left, 1 eaten on the way here and the other while rereading the beginning part of this piece of, erm, genius…

Armed with my blogging journal and app I feel I am ready to properly take this journey of blogdom and take it well (oo er). I have ideas, I have a much clearer mindset and I have Nat, keeping me on the straight and narrow, well, pulling me back to here and now when I zoom off somewhere at 50 billion miles an hour and get myself all tangled in my brain.

So, this post is dedicated to Nat (I can dedicate if I want to, I am the writer and mind behind all that you see). Thank you for keeping me grounded, for making me see, sometimes even when I don’t want to, that it is ok to stop, just for a little while. That sometimes you need to rest and think before the big race, the next journey, or even the next thought process. My mind can get very messy and full, and sometimes I need your guidance to get through the maze of thoughts. For reminding me to not get carried away and to just enjoy writing for me, and you, obviously.

And, for just being generally awesome! (Aww!)

TPFN – Toodle Pip for Now

Kyra x

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