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I am not high, nor drunk, just alone.

It is Sunday morning and I am sneaking around my own home like I've just come home drunk and high from some wild party that I don't want my parents know about and ground me from here until eternity. I would say reality isn't that wild and exciting, but to me, right now, well it blooming well is little Chumlins!!

Guess what?

I am alone.

Totally, utterly, beautifully, peacefully alone.

I shit you not.

I feel so gloriously high from the pure silence surrounding me that I am almost struggling for words.

I am not a morning person, never have been (Well, that's not entirely true is it Kyra? You were once for two weeks a happy to get up and jump from you little sleeping slumber with bouncing excitement morning type person, but that's another story, please continue) so I don't get the beautiful blissfullness of being up before the small people wake like Nat does. Oh how I wish I could be a morning person, but I like my bed, and being in the horizontal position, and, well, it's just nice isn't it?

Anyway, so the fact of reality is that I am usually either woken by my alarm and straight in to parenting mode, or I am woken by that noise that every parent dreads...that long elongated drone of the siblings name followed by some tale telling that, quite frankly, you don't really care about at that particular moment in time.

Then for the rest of the day at least one of them is perma attached to my side with their verbal diarrhoea flowing wild and free.

But right now, somehow, by some miraculous miraculousness they don't seem to be aware I am awake and I am sat alone in my living room, hiding, too scared to make a cup of coffee but...alone!

Worth it.

I have even made it in to the garden and sat in the sunshine with no neighbourhood children screaming, no cars revving and only a small argument between two birds that I think may have been marital, or the kids woke her up, poor cow.

I am not sure how much longer it will last. I know at this point I am pushing my luck with time, however, I don't believe they have a time giving device upstairs so, you never know!

Wish me luck little Chumlins, and don't give the game away, I'm trusting you right now.


Kyra x

PS. As I go to publish this, I can hear the impending doom draw ever near....they are here!!!

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