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Happy Butterfly, FML mum

Well something utterly delightful, cute and wonderful happened last night


Something utterly stressful, hair pulling outly and fuck my life happened last night.

Oh, and it was exactly the same thing!

How you ask? Well my darling little Chumlins, I am going to write a blog to explain.

You are most welcome. Yes you are!

If I was being all corny and what not I would start by saying that I do not just have 5 children, but I have in fact got 15 additional more and i love them all equally, blah blah etc etc.

But I am not the corny type. Mostly.

Oo, well, isn't this becoming a twisted talk of mystery and intrigue?

Well, not really, I am Beaver Scout leader.

Side note: my beaver leader name is Butterfly. The beavers named me. Title makes more sense now?

Wow, that changed direction quickly...

Anyhoo...with all the lockdown in place obviously beavers and scouting in general has been affected. Unless you are the uber organised, enthusiastic, don't have 4 little needy darlings at home type and then you are holding online meetings. Marvellous. Well done. Congratulations. Not jealous at all your free time at all.

In case you haven't guessed, I am not this type. I am the muddling through attempting to survive life, lockdown, homeschooling and having the constant tag team of speech, moaning, whinging and arguing type.

However, we did decide as a family and as a group to join in a big camp, which could be indoor or outdoor, real life tent or completely made up. This is obviously uber fun and wonderful. And yes, of course your wondrous leader will join in...ahem.


This morning and indeed last night was lovely, in my beaver parent chat. Parents were chatting away about how excited their little darlings were. There were lovely pictures of dens being creatively built, and happy smiling faces! I was a happy beaver leader and I had happy parents. This was a lovely idea. Oh yes.

In parenting world however, things were very different. My own little darlings were doing what they do best and were having a smack down wrestling type argument, throwing each other through walls and out of windows. OK, maybe slight exaggeration but it's what it sounds like, they were arguing, as usual. Also, apparently they have no imaginations and start by putting fitted sheets over the sofas which were there beds...genius, not.

The beavers had fairly lights...fairy lights people!!

My lot, quite honestly had 3 sofas, in a 3 sided square shape with some blankets in between. They were basically sleeping on the floor. Sigh. It also took them hours, they started at 6pm, it was 10pm. 4 hours later, that it was eventually done. I'll admit, I expected some form of greatness when I walked in the room. Not a palace but something oo, and ahhh that i could show off a little.

Instead a grabbed a blanket and went to set up my own camp under the table. I obviously did not just take a picture.and then sleep in my own bed. Of course not.

Yes, I am also a unicorn

Then you have the morning. Good grief and bloody hell. Hours. It took hours to tidy up their camp. Boo was in tears because T tidied up the bit he wanted to. It was a piece of cardboard but the way.

I have banned them from every doing this ever again.

Over in my beaver chat, there is lovely chatter about how wonderful it was, how much fun it was, what a delight. So, like any sane me would do...I forced my children to stop killing each other, smile, take a photo and pop it up in the chat to hide my parenting shame.

Don't tell anyone!


Kyra x

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