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FU Blue Monday; my brain doesn't need any help from you.

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Today is “Blue Monday”.

As a new blogger type person, I feel this is something that I should be blogging about. There’s just one small problem…

I don’t want to.

Or actually, more accurately, I have nothing to say (bloody shock horror, unbelievable right??).

Since starting my blog my brain has been awash with ideas and thoughts, analysing most situations wondering if they could make a blog post that I’d want to write.

I’ve only published 4 blogs, 3 last week and I’ve enjoying writing each one. The words and ideas have mostly flown and landed on the page with ease and I’ve enjoyed the freedom of just writing unfiltered without worrying how a writer should write.

Quite honestly, I think I’ve enjoyed the freedom of just being me, unfiltered, brain on the page, regardless of whether these thoughts have an audience or not.

I don't see myself as a natural or talented writer, but writing is something I enjoy doing and feel it’s a good outlet.

Yet the past couple of days…

Has Blue Monday struck? with a Blue Monday eve thrown in for good measure?

Or are days like this, titled, a self Whatsitting; that’s it: fulfilling prophecy? An excuse to say Fuck it to Monday without feeling bad. Its Blue Monday’s fault.

Honestly, I think, well I know I overthink things, can sometimes just get a little knotted in my brain, full of thoughts and ideas with no organisation or direction, a bit of a very messy mind palace, and that little devil bitch on my shoulder has had a little hand in my writers block more than ‘the most depressing day of the year’.

Plus side though…. writers block means I’m a writer. So, take that devil bitch shoulder demon.

In a world that is so heavily edited it can be so easy to get swept away and off track, forgetting why you are doing something. Losing yourself a little. It can be so easy to just… Stop.

So, while there is no real point or direction to this particular post, its here, I’m here, I’m writing, which is something I want to do, for me. It’s a big F U to the negativity that can try and take over your mind.

The world can be a bloody negative place without giving it a big depressing day.

Feeling low today? Eat ice cream, watch a film, stick music on full blast and dance like no one is looking, do one thing that you know lifts your spirits, hey, even write. Pick up a pen and just start writing. It doesn’t have to be good, or make sense, it just has to be you, unfiltered, uncensored, you.

There is nothing better.

And even if you do stop, let it be just for a recharge. Then get back up, brush that devil off your shoulder and just start.

TPFN - Toodle Pip For Now

Kyra x

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