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Even the house hates us relaxing, the cheek!

Yesterday morning Nat and I decided to treat ourselves and not jump out of bed at the crack of dawn. In fact, we both woke up and just led there, chatting. Fancy that!!

It wasn't long before the noise of impending doom started nearing.

Like a flash, we both do the perfect act of 'Andy's toys' and drop down, pretending to still be asleep.

Unfortunately the little darlings have this clever new little plan to get us up. They make us breakfast in bed. The evil geniuses.

They are very persistent waiters and knock loudly on the door. Even if you are asleep, it will not last long. They will not leave until their mission has been successfully carried out.

You 'wake', sit up and enjoy your breakfast and coffee, which thankfully no longer has it's 'secret ingredient' of a soggy biscuit hidden at the bottom in it. Phew!

In a true rebellious act, we finished our breakfast and decide to snuggle back down and enjoy some more time hiding away in the comfort of bed.

And that, my little Chumlins, is when the blind fell down on to our heads.

Relaxing was clearly not meant to be. Sigh.


Kyra x

Oh, and PS. I walked to the shop in shorts and flip flops...and it started raining.

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