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Two Random Minds Colliding AKA The Collab

You will obviously remember my very exciting news post about the collaboration with the Blunderer herself, Lanna. Well, fear not little Chumlins, the wait is over!

I did want to call this post

"The epic event of two most random minds smashing and smushing together in to a conversation of splendor, shits and giggle"

But it felt a bit long...

Anhoo, we have had an idea of epic proportions and have decided to not only deliver you a sexy little quiz but, it is in true old skool magazine style! Lanna even went straight out to get some research material.

Here is how this shizzle is going to work. Lanna has asked 5 questions and so have I. We have both answered them, and then gone ever so slightly off on a little random tangent but, anyway...

The marvel of her questions and our answers are below, and my questions and our answers are over on her page. How clever and awesome is that? Very, I agree!

Grab on to your diaphragms (cos, you know, laughing, hiccups, well, it seemed a clever joke at the time, would you prefer hats? Boring old hats? Well, tough, tis my bloggy ) and let's get this random hilarious party started!

Question 1 There's a zombie invasion- whats your plan!

Kyra Well first, shit a brick!! Erm...oooh, erm...paniccccccc! Wait, I can pretend I have an awesome plan right? Like erm... OK, so I cant think of one right now but Nat was in the navy so...she would know what to do..right?!

Lanna I once binged watched a load of walking dead and then dreamt what would happen. In my dream I always, always hid in my wardrobe with the contents of my food cupboards. Hide there for a week or two. Or until I run out of food and hope the are too full from eating my neighbours to bother to eat me when I go get more supplies. ... this might be why there's a stack of books in my wardrobe?

Kyra Ahh, prepping already, I like it!! I don't do zombie movies, plus I get banned from watching scary movies 'cos my limbs seem to do what they want and what they want is to attack people... Also, did you watch 'Scouts guide to the zombie apocalypse'? Bloody terrifying!

Lanna Oh my goodness yes, yes yes!!!! How is that a thing? How are we preparing children for this??

Kyra Erm...they are probably more prepared than us with all the crap they watch! I'll be hiding under the table and they will be kicking zombie ass in the back garden with the weapons they've made from bits of cardboard and paper clips Anyway, if you have your giant duck we can all climb on it's back while it attacks and eats the zombies.

Side note; we had a random conversation on our zoom call and I asked what would you do if you were walking outside and a giant duck came around the corner. I would run and hide, Lanna would take it home as a pet. She is far braver than me but now we have zombies, who's the clever girl!

Lanna You have a small army around you then!

Kyra This is very true... Hang on.....If zombies eat you, you turn, what will happen if the duck eats the zombies...

Lanna Zombie duck? But then would the zombie duck eat us?

Kyra That would be terrifying

Lanna Or other ducks? Then there would be human strain and a bird strain

Question 2

What would be your useless superpower?

Kyra Oooo, that's a good one! This may take some thinking...

Kyra Oh my giddy goodness...I've got nothing!!

Kyra Got it!! The ability to be able to wear wildly OTT clothes, like Victorian dresses, ball gowns, sequins, whenever I wanted without anyone batting an eyelid.

Lanna So costume girl?

Kyra Yes!!! No costume too awesome or wacky!

Lanna Or extravagant girl?

Kyra I will accept any at my awards ceremony.

Lanna Love them both. I'd be either fall over your own feet girl. I do this so much. My poor ankles are always sore from my misfortune. (I fell off a bus once, my foot left the bus missed the curb and went straight under the bus and I face planted the floor.) Or dinosaur girl. but a long neck one. They're so cool. I could just turn into a dinosaur when ever I wanted

Kyra Ooo, dinosaur girl!! Yes! That could definitely help with the zombies too AND I could swing my monkey self from your neck. (Monkey self...oo that's a spoiler for the collab bit!) Win win.

Question 3 If you had to choose 1 item of clothing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Kyra Well It would have to be a dress wouldn't it? Otherwise I'd have to choose if i wanted my nunganungas or my bushtikka out!

Lanna I love a good old scarf that's the size of a blanket!

Kyra Ooo, I once had this dress thing that could be worn 100 ways.

Lanna It's whhhhhaaaaatttt

Kyra So, erm, you'd be all naked all the time and just have a scarf?!

Lanna It's the size of a blanket.

Kyra Yeah, it was weird and amazing at the same time. Shopping channel shop...

Lanna I could make loads of things out of it.

Kyra Ooo, so you could wear it like people wear a sarong? I like it.

Lanna Yeah. Like that 5 minute hacks on Facebook. 100 ways to wear a scarf.

Kyra You could sell books and all sorts!

Question 4 Favourite season?

Kyra Seasons...well, they are a tricky devil in the UK aren't they?! I'm quite liking being in the garden in this nice weather when it's warm, not the gardening type of being in the garden, obviously, but the sitting and doing nothing in a cat like way in the garden. But...being able to just stick a big coat and boots on and still look presentable when actually you are wearing your granny jumper is also good.

Lanna I love autumn. I love crunching on leaves. I love the fact its warm ish still. But I can wear a big wooly jumper.

Kyra You do love your jumpers. I'm surprised you didn't pick being a sheep to be honest.

Lanna I could knit my own jumpers! Lanna I love autumn... purely for the clothes I get to wear and because it gets dark and I feel rebellious for being out late in the dark when its still an appropriate time.

Kyra You bloody wild woman you! Dark outside and wandering the streets like a bad bum. Yes its 4pm but that's not the point!

Question 5

What's your favourite flower?

Kyra Now, is this a type or a particular flower? 'Cos they would be different answers...

Lanna ???

Kyra My favourite general flower would be a tulip, you can cook with them you know! My particular flower is my Elyssa plant, which is a flower, an orchid I believe.

Lanna Pictures? What on earth would you put a tulip in?

Kyra My Elyssa plant? She's magic, I will get you a picture of her. Stew, corned beef hash, it's tasty actually.

Lanna Hmmm.... check them off the list when I eat at yours....

Kyra Honestly, you wouldn't have a clue! I didn't when Nat secretly started nicking my tulips and snuck them in my food,... I got them for my 30th, I thought she looked a little too happy. Lanna But what good is it?? Peonies. There so big and pretty.

Kyra Hmm, well, i've just googled it and now i'm wondering if she is shitting me...


Nope, it's true, we cook with tulips, yum yum.

So there you have it you awesome Chumlin! This could be part 1, it will probably be part 1 as it was so much fun to do!

If you loved it please do comment and let us know, not that we need an excuse to do another! Also, head on over to The Blundering Adult for most of this epic awesomeness.

And, because I love you all, here's a sneak peak of my questions;

What animal would you want to come back as?

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

What if you had to move to mars?

Have you ever had a spooky experience?

If you had to be a Panto character, who would it be? (Psst, she hates panto, bwahahaha)

You will not be disappointed by the answers!


Kyra x

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