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My Homeschooling Workspace

Right, I'll be frank with you right now. Frank as in straight not as in Frank the person, although I quite like the name Frank, not as much as Bob and Fred though.

When you have a little bloggy research and a looksie at social media content certain little things keep popping up.

One little reoccurring pop up is to 'Show your workspace'. Now honestly, I am not entirely sure on the appeal of this one, although I suppose us humans can be quite voyeuristic can't we. I have to admit being quite a fan of Big Brother, in the early days at least.

Like I was saying in my previous blog, my head is kicking my ass quite a bit and my writing brain has taken a vacation so I thought what the hecky peck, I will give this a go.

So I took a photo. But then, in true faffy me fashion, I made it in to a picture;

My homeschooling, work from home, blogging workspace
My little set up

Then in to a video with moving bits, because, why the devil not!

Yes, as you can see, even though I do have a rather spiffing office (yes, spiffing, I just feel like using the word) I am working on the dining table as I am currently back to homeschooling after another bubble burst. We had a birthday weekend and it always feels a bit sad tearing it all apart on a Monday morning so I left the birthday table cloth on the table as a jolly little reminder of the weekend (although it is gone now as it's slidy and crinkly). Chromie always likes to make herself look sexy and beautiful for pictures so always dresses herself in the finest website whenever a photo opportunity appears.

Maths bingo is quite a bit of fun actually and Boo and I got quite competitive, all in good fun and learning and all that jazz of course. Then it was back to normal learning so I have my handy pile of books just in case I need to super parent and learn something quickly and swoop to the rescue. At the opposite side of the table to me is Boo. He does not stop talking, ever. How he manages to work and talk I do not know other than he talks through EVERYTHING. His favourite time to talk is just as I have a writing thought appearing in my head, before I can write it down or dissect it in to working words. I love my water bottle and always need to have it on stand by otherwise, quite frankly I will forget to drink as I don't often feel thirsty. With it's times and rules on the side, this bottle gives me a nice little kick up the bum to receive my needed water intake. And lastly, for the things in the picture and not tucked away like my mug which is feeling a bit unphotogenic today, is our new Christmas mats. Well, we got them last year but I forgot about them so they feel like new and adds a festive feel to the picture rather than dragging my Christmas tree in to the background. So there you have it. I have done a blogging post like a true blogging person. I guess that wasn't too bad was it.... TPFN, Kyra x

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