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The wonders of answering the telephone!

Tonight I have talked on the phone.

Not texting, whatsapping, messengering, snapchatting, not even zooming, but actual phone to ear speaking words talking on the telephone. Well, mobile.

It wasn’t planned, it was completely random and out of the blue and in an even more shocking turn of events, I actually answered it. I answered my phone when it rang.

I’m not always very good at answering my phone when it rings. Well, it’s a lot of pressure isn’t it?! What if they say something and you can’t think of a response?! I’m bad enough at opening messages. What if you can’t figure out what to reply and so the message sits open with no reply and you look like a real little rude bum. No, much better to just not even open the message until it gets to the point of awkward realisation you haven’t responded and it’s 5 years later so you have to avoid them and the message for the rest of your life.

The good thing about talking on the phone is it is way easier than typing to be your own random, digressing, A to Z to 100 to B self.

I am not entirely sure that we actually had a full conversation about what the phone call was intended to be about but we did talk about allsorts else. And it was nice, and random, and, I don’t know, it was just nice to have a conversation that didn’t feel like you had to have as you were using up your bubble allowance.

And, blimey heck, it lasted over an hour! Hecky Peck.

Remember the days when you would get a free call for up to an hour but dare to go even a second over the hour and you were going to be charged for every second of that phone call? So you would get to 55 minutes, 58 if you were a brave rebel, like me, ahem, yes, and hang up just to call them back again to carry on the conversation whilst sat at the bottom of the stairs twiddling that wire? Crikey, I sound old….

Is this still a thing? Do people still talk on the phone? Heck, If they don't I would highly recommend it, it's the future! Well, kinda the past, but I think it should make a comeback.

Oh, and blimey, my ear was hot by the end.


Kyra x

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