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The door to my Rant Room is now open. The brave may enter.

I do like a good rant. I honestly, think it is good for the soul to just get it out there.

Surely everyone loves a good rant.

Or sometimes, even a rant isn't enough and we just need to find an open space and just scrrreeeeeaaaaaamm.

Anyway, poor Nat does have to listen to quite a lot of my random rants, that I'm pretty damn certain don't even make sense sometimes, it just feel so damn good to let it all out in all it's random, weird, ranty glory.

So, my lucky little Chumlins, I have decided, I've made a real life blogging website owning type person decision and I have decided to launch (yes, we are going to use the word launch because it sounds big and posh and bloody awesome so pipe down and bask in the awesome glory of being witness to a launch OK?), wait for it....

A Rant Section!!

*Fan fare, applause, gasps of enjoyment and wonder*

rant, ranting, annoyed
Aww, look, I'm trying to look all scary and annoyed...(It's actually a panto picture!)

For no other reason than I want to! Yay! I love just blogging for blogging fun, the freedom is pretty cool (totally showing my age there with the use of 'cool' me it 'sick' now?!).

Now, these rants, I must stress, will not be mean and nasty, I have not forgotten the egg pen incident! But they will know, rants of awesome immense proportions, probably.

You just know that I now will live the most unranting life ever and all will become boring and I will become the most chilled person to ever walk.....erm, yeah, alright, probably not...

Let the fun commence!


Kyra x

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