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The Clocks Changed Time Again

So, this whole clocks going back thing, let's discuss. Does anyone else wander round all day trying to figure out what the actual time is? I can never remember which of the electronic devices does the magic thing and changes the time and which is just too darn lazy to do it.

Although, this morning, being awake at 8am on a Sunday did give me a little clue that my phone was indeed one of the magical chosen ones.

But still, I look at the time like it is one big lie.

How dare you tell me it is 11.15am?! It is of course 12.15 you cheeky little devil. How dare you move lunch. The Horror Sir! The Horror!


Just me?


Random thought;

If I am writing this blog now but if it was yesterday it would be then, does this blog even truly exist?

That may have been for the best.

Hmm, not quite a discussion, oops.


Kyra x

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