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Sorry, how old am I again?

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

As I start writing this, I am 33 years old.

I have to admit, forgetting my age isn’t the most uncommon of situations that take place in my head. However this may have been the first time it happened to this degree for this length of time!

Picture this…

I’m in the car on the school run and my brain does it’s usual random jump from A to Z to 67 to goodness knows where that it seems to do. While concentrating immensely on all things school run, obviously.

It’s chosen random jump today was age.

Now I do need to point out that while I can remember lines from a year ago I actually don’t have a great memory. Point being, I can’t bloody remember what the initial thought was. I do sometimes wish there was a play back button for my brains trail of thought, it would make life easier sometimes. Unless other people could use it…lets not go there eh?

Listening to Pulse 1 this morning and they are saying about Rosie Maddison being 33 and I’m thinking how I am the same age. Ok, so she is ever so slightly more successful than me but what the hey.

Anyhoo, I carry about my day and then head back on to the school run pick up. So there I am having whatever 33 year old thoughts I was having when doubt hit me.

(Side note, that’s it I was wondering if other people forget how old they are?!)

Anyway, there I am thinking about what I do to work out my age when I forget it (yes, this is the honest truth of what was happening in my head), and how my birthday being in December affects this when….oh jeez!

2009… eh? 2009, where did that come from? Ahem 2020 - 1987 = 33 - 1 (as I’ve not had my birthday this year) and you get…32!

32, so I am 32 years old, just.

So..yeah. What do you say to that, honestly? Least now I’m a year younger than I was this morning, which is better than being older I guess but it does make me worry about my mental age if I can’t even remember how old I am at the age of…32.

I would say that I may have to have a research of this one, but I know that that it is down to anxiety, apparently.. I’ve had my brain tested you know! (Yes, it is there, yes it's all working. I've heard it all before)

For now I am going to tell myself that my mind palace (thanks Sherlock) is full of far more fun and useful things that it just doesn't have time for trivial matters such as numbers, or dates of birth, or why you went in to the kitchen...

What’s in an age anyway? We are only as old as we feel right? Age is but a number!

So, if you are concerned about forgetting how old you are then you don’t have to feel alone! We can be bumbling unknown age buddies. Wandering around in our little worlds just acting how old we feel rather than our years on earth (or where ever you are from I guess. We are watching Men in Black, perhaps aliens read blogs?!) .

Short, random blog I know but, sometimes you need to share, and sometimes we blog just for the fun of sharing so…

TPFN – Toodle pip for now.

Kyra x

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