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Saved by the random happenings

Do you know what?

I feel like I haven't written in ages. Probably billions of years. Well, it feels like it.

I have finally been given a few minutes of absolute peaceful bliss to be able to write. I can even hear birds chirping outside.

The problem?

I can't think of a blooming thing to write!

I feel a bit of a microwave problem. You know, like a watched microwave doesn't cook. Well, I think a watched Chromie doesn't type...

Side note; Nat and The Ginger have just reentered the house. Not from being naughty rebel types and wandering wild and free, but from being in the front garden. We are living in funny old times aren''t we?!

And then T enters the room. He sits, as I am finally typing, and talks, and talks, and asks what I'm doing, and get the picture.

BUT, and here's the thing...he asks me if I would like a glass of wine.

Well, I hadn't actually thought about it. But, now you mention it. Yes, yes I flipping would. I have earned it. I deserve it. Yes!

a lovely large glass of white wine
Mmm, yummy yummy wine!

He has filled a large gin glass with wine. Right to the top. I am having to slurp wine.

But do I mind?

Abso-flipping-lutely not! Yum yum!

So here I sit trying to write. Realising that actually, so far, I have written absolute drivel of the waffling kind.

Oh little Chumlins. What if my writing brain has fucked off. Left the building. Decided enough is enough. Well that would leave me royally screwed as I am quite enjoying my little writing world.

I have however rediscovered my love of baking so I have quite a few recipes I need to type up, before it all leaves my brain and I can never make that particular tasty yummyness ever again, which I have been told will lead to the entire family falling out with me, as apparently I am amazing and it tastes amazing.

Whoop! Go me!

Also, something miraculous just happened!!

So, I nipped for a little wee. Hey, don't judge, writing takes time you know and our bodies gotta do what our bodies gotta do!

Anyway, this is how bad it is, I was sat there, watching the door with anticipation of someone joining me, as they always do.

It's always super important, like yesterday, when Boo had a state of emergency that must be dealt with immediately if not sooner, that turned out to be he had found a tie he wanted to wear, with his t shirt and shorts, and needed it tying.


So, there I am waiting, without even realising it, and...and, well, nothing. No one came. Seriously, I shit you not, I just went to the toilet on my own, without any interruption.

I was so shocked I even cleaned the toilet. I'm not sure if I was just making the most of the moment, or if I was giving them extra time to come and find me. Either way, I managed to do that, wash my hands and make it back without any interruption.

The TV was on, of course....

Oh, and as I'm sat here typing, Hey Google has just said goodbye to me in french.

shocked and surprised at Hey Google
The cheeky minx made me jump

I promise I have only had a third of my wine and this shit is actually happening.

I promise.

Anyhoo, I'm feeling a bit of a writing bug right now so off I go to let my fingers do their thing (Typing, obviously, get your mind out of the gutter!)


Kyra x

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