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Real Life Useful Tips on How to Survive Show Week

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

Show week. Let’s face it, it’s bloody amazing and terrifying at the same time.

I actually love being on stage, once I’m on it anyway. Before being on stage I am usually a nervous bouncing wreck in the wings, then I’m a bit of a giddy goat and the build up to all these feelings can create quite a week! I’m nervous and giddy and excited and terrified all at the same time, but I am also a little terrified of being ill, or having a complete brain fart moment, or forgetting my lines, which I’ve never actually done thankfully, but it doesn’t stop the weird and wonderful nightmares from having some fun in my brain. Oh I love show week!

Anyhoo, here is some of my actual real life and useful(ish) tips on how to survive show week;

  1. Do not sing ‘I’m a believer’ full belt in the car. Yes, you may sound awesome, but don’t waste all that talent, and throat power on no audience. Save your voice for the audience and rest it. We do not want to have a sore raw throat, it is honestly not worth it, promise.

  2. Shave. For the love of all that is holy and glitters, shave. Imagine this..changing room, changing…hairy armpits. No. Also, lets face it, we all feel a bit more confident with hairless armpits. Ok, maybe not the men, maybe you guys could skip this step, or maybe you could shave your nostrils or something so as not to feel left out, yes, do that.

  3. Don’t ask fellow actors about their sippy cup. It is not a sippy cup, it is a portable steamer for their voice. It is an important piece of medical kit.

  4. Do not steam with a portable steamer in public, it looks like a sippy cup.

  5. Rest. Show week, as much as it is amazing fun, is actually quite stressful and tiring. Preserve your energy and don’t feel bad for it. This is an actual free pass to be fairly chilled and have the perfect excuse…you are saving yourself for the many wonderful fans who have bought tickets to come and see you, and the others too, obviously, I guess.

  6. Understand the script. Yes you should know this by now but you’ve been remembering lines. Understanding the script and what is happening means you can improvise should the need arise. However, don’t be a dooche and go off script for the hell of it, it’s unfair on your fellow actors.

  7. Make up a playlist of all the songs in the show and listen to it. In the car. In the shower. Everywhere. You will learn these songs.

  8. Underwear. Yes, we are going to talk about this. You are going to be getting changed in front of people. Do you really want them to see your Sex God, Princess, holey or similar embarrassing underwear. Yes they are comfy, but is it worth them knowing your secret? You honestly can’t go wrong with big comfy granny pants with matching colour bra for ladies. Men, comfy, baggy, plain.

  9. Prepare a little go bag. Yes, a little like one of those birth bags that mum’s have ready for when they give birth. You don’t want to leave it until last minute, your head will be full of show and won’t think like a sensible person. Pack things such as;

  • Water Bottle, maybe two. You will get thirsty. With two you can leave one in the changing rooms, if you are posh enough to have one, and one side of stage. Also, you wont have time to refill so extra water is always a good idea.

  • Snacks, for you and your fellow actor type people as well as the backstage folks. Snacks are always good, they help you make friends and it’s just nice.

  • Wet wipes, they will help so much with makeup removal or simply having a little freshen up with a wet wipe bath.

  • Vaseline, you’ll be surprised how many uses this has, seriously.

  • Thank you cards, blank. In case people are super lovely and organised and give you one, you can pretend you are all organised and lovely. Alternately, you could be actually lovely and orgnaised and have prewritten cards for everyone. This is always nice.

  • Pen, helps with above plus any notes or program or joint card signing you need to do.

  • Super comfy chuck it on clothes. You’ll want to be comfy after all that splendid acting.

  • Deodorant, freshen up, feel like a human, before, during, after…

  • Bobbles and bobby pins, if you don’t need them, someone will

  • Spare makeup. You sweat, a lot. It’s flipping boiling and hard work.

  • A small mirror, for paranoid moments.

  • Some money, not a lot but a small amount is good in case you get snacks in between shows, want to raid the tuck shop, that kind of thing.

  • Mints, or as a wonderful person in my last panto, mouthwash! Everyone is in close proximity and it's always nice to have minty fresh breath.

  • Lip Balm. It's very hot on stage and your lips will get all dry and sore if you don't look after them.

So there you go, just a few little tips to help with the show week, but obviously everyone is different, maybe you have your own quirky little things you love to do. As long as you enjoy yourself and love every moment then that is the main thing.

Now go, enjoy the wonder of show week, and show nights, and just be absolutely awesome!

TPFN – Toodle pip for now

Keep Calm and survive show week
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