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Lockdown, how the devil dare you?!

Well shit a brick little Chumlins. As I open to start writing a new blog the news is announcing that the current lockdown is being extended for at least another 3 weeks.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect the lockdown to be lifted anytime soon. I don't see how it's possible when we seem to be fighting a bad ass invisible enemy that has missile launchers, with a water balloon but it is still a kick in the gut to hear it out loud.

Side note; OK, so I am fully aware that the NHS is pretty damn bad ass, my point being, we don't really have what we need to kick this things ass.

I am fairly certain that I am going through some form of stages of grief, while being totally aware that we have it fairly good, we are lucky, which adds an extra level of 'feeling like a selfish bitch syndrome'.

The first two weeks Nat and I were fairly kick ass I like to think and were very much 'on it' with the whole homeschooling and changes in life thing, but as the weeks go on I feel that was denial, we are now on to the anger and all those other beautiful stages. To put it bluntly, I just cannot be bothered with the entire world of anything, so yeah, fun times...not!

I will admit, this has thrown my sit down and write while inspiration is here brain. So, yeah, thanks for that lockdown, really appreciate it, cheers!

So, yeah, well, who knows what's going to happen, but I think we are going to get through this. We can get through this together if you would like little Chumlins? Yeah, let's do this!


Kyra x

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