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Have you missed me?

Well, have you missed me?

Of course you bloody have! We wouldn't be Chums if you didn't would we?

Firstly, like any good Chum should, I will apologise for being really rather MIA for...crikey, more than a week?! I have been suffering some form of weird lockdown blues/writer’s block type thing and it’s been making me feel more than a little antisocial, which kinda works in lockdown, but not really.

Now, the ideas are there, so, so many actually, (watch this space!) but the actual me like words are, well, poof, gone! No wonderful writerness is flowing from my fingers and it’s really rather chuffin annoying.

However, in exciting news I am moving my office, also, it is no longer called an office, are you ready for it? Are you actually? Well….it is going to be called……

Drum roll please!

Interior Illusions Lounge and Creative Space

I know what you are thinking, wowbloodywee, that is amazing!

Well, thank you, too kind!

Now, it is not quite ready. And by not quite ready I mean it is currently and absolute bombsite of epic proportions. But, fear not little Chumlins, it is going to be amazing and I will of course give you a grand tour when it is ready.

Until then, I am going to try and kick this lockdown blues thing in the backside because, as the very wise Nat has told me….

“It’s just what my brain does” is not an excuse to just let it take over me and my life. Yes, I have anxiety and it has, quite frankly, been kicking my chubby little backside these past few weeks but I can work on my brain to try and calm it a little.

So, here we are, reunited! And here I am, kicking my anxiety in it’s own chubby little ass and coming back to writing and just being me.

Also, another so, if anyone has any lockdown inspiration or similar, please do pass it over my way!


Kyra x

anxiety, writers block, lockdown blues, feeling low, fighting anxiety
Such a comfy dressing gown, and my first photo in forever!

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