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Happy New Year's Resolution; stay alive

I'm not sure if you have noticed, but consistency doesn't seem to be my thing when it comes to blogging, oops. Now, I could say that my new year's resolution will be to be more consistent with little bloggy here but after the last year I think I am going to take it easy on the unrealistic expectations of resolutions and just focus on staying alive and (mostly) sane.

However, today, which is actually Saturday, something happened that made me question the whole existence of the world and everything in it, sort of.

I had... A near death experience!

Dun dun duuuuuun!

*Enter sounds of gasps and dramatic noises here*

Fear not though little Chumlins for I am OK! And, I shall explain. So there I was on my little jollies of driving CeeCee for the first time this year, oo er, taking The Ginger to meet his new girlfriend for a new years walk (aww).

Although it was less jolly and more terrifying as it was snowing and as we all know driving in the snow is terrifying no matter how thin the sprinkling is. But I was being all nice and lovely so did indeed drive out in to the hazardous 10mm thick snow. Not only that but feeling the confidence of driving for a whole ten minutes without dying on the (actually not at all icy) roads I decided to upgrade my niceness to uber niceness! Without any regard for my own safety, and seeing that the paths were icy and the road was clear, I decided to drop the boy closer to his meet up point.

However, suddenly, as if by the magic of the Devil God's, the road in front of me was suddenly white as far as the eye could see. Fear and dread consumed my soul as CeeCee became surrounded by the Devil's white blanket (aka, snow). My eyes searched desperately for a location for safe extraction as I began my descent down the perilous white terrain in front of me.

From the corner (and the rest of) my eye I spotted a large turning that I thought was my saviour but would turn out to be my doom!

Side note; are you feeling the building suspense??

As I turned the ground beneath me gave in to the will of the ice and CeeCee started slipping and sliding, in a surprisingly straight line, heading directly for a very expensive looking white car. The Ginger tells me it was an Audi, all I know is my life flashed before my eyes and my bank balance disappeared as the white money machine of death got closer and closer and closer.....

"Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit"

...may have been what was escaping from my mouth as The Ginger nervously giggled all the while my foot tried it's best to save us from the impending collision.

Just as we braced for impact the miracle of the world descended upon CeeCee, to save us. The miracle of modern technology may have had something to do with it as the city brakes thing whooshed in to action and stopped us nothing short of 5mm away from the other car. Phew doesn't seem to cut it in the world of relief words but it will just have to do as phew we flipping well did! I am quite surprised when The Ginger leaps from the car ready to push little CeeCee to safety as the white money machine's owner dashes out to his doorstep to burn my soul with his eyes in a scowling manner. Luckily, no harm no foul and all that and The Ginger heads on his little way as I start on the perilous journey home, feeling really quite nauseous actually over my brush with death. I even did the uber grown up thing and didn't ring Nat (hands free, obviously) to tell her about my deadly adventure.

Side note; possibly because I wanted sympathy cuddles when I got home, which I did not get by the way

Anyhoo, there I am driving back, in the snow, with my windows down to calm my little self when something beautifully simplistic happened. A family of 2 adults and 3 children caught my eye in what looked to be their new snazzy coats heading off on a snowy walk. The children, aged at least 8, were opening their mouths and catching snowflakes on their tongues.

The cuteness of this simple little sight just warmed my cockles (I am sure that is a saying?!) and made me smile and think that it really can be the simple things in life that can bring a the darkest of times!!

Right there and then I decided that my new year's resolution was going to be to try and achieve little acts of kindness to make people smile.and bring a little brightness to the world. Wish me luck! TPFN, Kyra x

PS, I will also try and do more with poor little bloggy here!

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