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Friendship is an unexpected funny beast

I find friendship a funny thing. It can just come from the strangest of places. Like bird poo falling from the sky on to your head I guess.

A few years ago, around the time when Nat and my relationship was still fairly new she went to a funeral. I stayed at Nat's house as I didn't want to intrude as I didn't know the lady who had died. At the wake Nat text me, my presence was requested.... there were people who were keen to finally meet me. Well, you can't exactly turn down an invitation to a wake from the family of the person who died, can you?!

Then shock hit. I looked in a mirror. I looked like death. Oh wait, oh dear, no pun intended, honestly. Well, this is awkward. Moving on....

What do you wear to a wake, which is also the first meeting of people, when you have been invited for the purpose of meeting your wonderful self. Curve ball, you are also not at home so don't have a massive selection of options. Also, it is summer so your selection of black isn't, well, in abundance. Marvellous.

Black jeans and a black vest top. The absolute horror. a wake, is not what I would call....O bloody K, but it will have to do.

Anyway, this isn't the focus of the blog, but I'm setting the scene. Are you feeling scene set like? Good, then I shall begin, again.

I am sat with the family. Not Nat's family, but the family of the lady who had died. At the table there is a giant boy man person all long, black haired, and a smaller boy who is literally all hair. The giant boy man person was Jake.

Believe it or not, I am actually rather socially awkward.

And, I tend to do this weird jokey, fake offended thing, so if you do not get sarcasm, it just doesn't go down well.

Jake got the last piece of awesome yummy looking chocolate cake. I like chocolate cake. I do not like jam, or cream, or custard, but I like chocolate cake.

What do you do when the giant boy who's grandma's wake you are at is eating the last piece of chocolate cake. You obviously don't mention it and let him eat his well deserved cake.


If you are me at least. If you are me, you make a sarcastic joke about taking the last piece of chocolate cake, your chocolate cake.

He gave me the cake, he gave me chocolate cake. I didn't take it, obviously, I am not a monster you know.


OK, so I did end up eating the cake, but bare with me, he insisted he really didn't want it and was full. And believe me when I say, when Jake makes his mind up, there is absolutely no changing it.

Washing machine.

I didn't know how to start this bit so I just jumped straight in with it. We got talking about all sorts that I actually can't remember, but something I can remember is, we talked about washing machines. Random, yes, but somehow, there, with the washing machines, a friendship started forming. Not the chocolate cake, but the washing machines. And, my little Chumlins, we have been friends ever since.

friendship, best friends,
I was dressed for Halloween, this is pretty much his normal outfit, hehe

We couldn't be more different. He loves his absolute racket screaming music, dark clothes (mosh?!), and is a male, euw. I love my cheesy pop, colourful, fun clothes and am obviously, female. He is also uber freakishly tall. But there is something about this absolute weirdo that makes a bloody good friend. I can rely on him always, whether it's moving, lifting and shifting, or cheering my up with our weird random videos, I have gained this funny little friendship that I never expected but wouldn't change for the world, even when he is super annoying, which is a lot.

cancer support, shaving your head for cancer, best friends
I clearly didn't enjoyed cutting all his hair off....too much

Over the years we've had the saddos who don't seem to think a male and female can be friends without there being something else but, ho hum, you can't please everyone. Oh, and the point of the post? It's his birthday! We are in lockdown, so here, Jaketh, is your birthday present from me. Thank you for being my best friend, when I never thought I would have one again.

suit, looking smart, scrubbed up well, best friends, friendship
Look how smart he looks, all grown up. I am clearly a good influence

And to anyone else reading this. Friendship can come from the strangest of places, so always be open and you never know what could happen.


Kyra x

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