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Exciting news type stuff is a-coming

Do you ever just meet someone and think; I like this one. I want to be friends with this one. I think we could be good friends.

Well, just over a year ago that happened to me.

I randomly stumbled upon a play called 'The Arsonist' and even though it had already started rehearsals, I sent an enquiry. I got a message back telling me to pop down to rehearsals, and well, I popped my little self down to rehearsals to meet the director (I know what you are thinking, gosh she is brave, thank you). It was scary, and weird and I felt so uncomfortable!

But you know what little Chumlins? All the little scenarios I had made up in my head were, quite frankly, bull poop and it ended up being a fantastic decision! Yay!

The director was a funny strange person called Lanna. She was weird, unpredictable, a little mental and absolutely amazing! She was just my level of crazy and we were similar in so many ways.

The Arsonist, friends, colab blog
Here she is all proud director like. Hehe, shhh, don't tell her!

I remember thinking, I could totally be friends with this person. We are both crazy. And crazy is fun. I like crazy. Crazy people are my people. Or something like that. It was a year ago, geez.

Also, as an added bonus for her, she gave me firefighter part a promotion, to lead firefighter. I may have squealed quite a bit at this. Just saying.

And, long story short, missing out the crying breakdown, heart to heart, director group telling off and so, so many funny memories, I am proud to say, friends we became.

And shall I tell you a secret little Chumlins? She has just started her very own blog!

Would you like to know another little secret? Of course you do.

Well, a few days ago we were chitter chatting away about blog stuff when a miraculous thought appeared like an air bubble above our heads. We had a very grown up and official zoom meeting with only mild digressing to the life of dealing with big boobs and what you'd do with a giant duck (she'd take it home for a pet btw) and decided that....

What for it...

zoom chat, friends, blogging
Well, look at those two sexy beasts!

Adding the suspense here...

Can you feel it?

We are going to do a bit of collaboration type blog stuff!

I know what you are thinking...chuffing exciting. Yes. I agree.

Well watch this space little Chumlins. Watch this space.

Let's face it, when you combine two rather random brains, anything could happen couldn't it?!


Kyra x

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