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A Twisted Tale

She was going to tell them she’d been clumsy, that it was red wine. Or perhaps that she had cut herself. Yes, that might work. That might explain it if any evidence was found.

They had caught her by surprise. She hadn’t expected them to be there. They weren’t supposed to be there. She had been completely caught off guard, and that never ended well.

It was all such a mess.

And this was definitely going to stain. Blood always stains. At least, she thought blood stained, she’d never had to deal with so much of it before..

The neighbours hopefully hadn’t heard the muffled screams, they may be harder to explain away.

She had to think, and unless she was quick, they were going to find out exactly what she had done. Learn exactly what kind of person she really was deep down, the person she had been hiding. Shit.

She scrubbed the fabric violently before deciding to put it in a bin bag and hide it at the back of the wardrobe, she’d deal with it later, when she had more time, when she had had a chance to think. Providing it wasn’t found before then!

She hurriedly tidied the room and hid the rest of the evidence in the bin bag before she showered and washed the previous couple of hours from her skin as the drain circled red. The hot water hitting her bare skin calmed her and helped her think straighter. Helped her form a plan to try and get away with this. To try and act like it had never happened..

She got out of the shower and heard footsteps outside. Her heart felt as though it had stopped for a few seconds and she tried to steady her breath before wrapping herself in a towel, slowly opening the door and walking onto the landing.

The police officer approached her slowly and it took everything within her to act calm.

“Good evening Officer”

“Good evening Darling” he said, leaning in for a kiss “Have you had a good day?”

“I cut myself while tidying but nothing much else to report” She lied.

She brushed passed as nonchalantly as she could, managing to make it to the bedroom before an unexpected smile escaped her lips as she remembered.

Remembered Alex.

Remembered her naked body, her touch, her taste, the way she trembled and screamed.

She had never had period sex before, but she hoped she would have it again.

Maybe next time not on her best bedding….

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